Compile OpenCV#
OpenCV must be build from the source files. You should create following folder structure: source, build_x64, install_x64. Than open CMake and set the source and build path. Configure the CMake file with following options:
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: absolute path to install_x64.
BUILD options:
WITH options:
OPENCV options:
Check OPENCV_GAPI_GSTREAMER to get VideoCaptuer of OpenCV.
Start the compilation of the INSTALL build solution.
optional install CUDA Toolkit (e.g. 7.0, supported by OptiX as well). Is need for Macrosim, which runs with itom. Delete the executable (*.exe) from the install_x64/x64/vc14/bin folder. They are not needed for the compilation of itom.
Check BUILD_opencv_world to combine all modules in one dll-file.