43// 2. append the string behind the variable ito_AddInInterface_CurrentVersion (e.g. ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1) to the array ito_AddInInterface_OldVersions
44// 3. change the version number in the string ito_AddInInterface_CurrentVersion
47// This helps, that deprecated or "future" plugins, which fit not to the current implementation of the interface will not be loaded
48// but a sophisticated error message is shown.
50// From version 4.0.0 on, the version numbers follow the schematic of semantic versioning (semver.org).
51// In general, any plugin can be loaded whose interface is based on the CREATE_ADDININTERFACE_MAJOR_VERSION_STR (major version number must fit).
52// itom loads such a plugin if its minor version number is lower or equal than the minor version number, defined in the compiled version of the core
53// application of itom. The patch number does not influence the ability to load a plugin library.
56"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.0", //version from start of development until 2012-10-11
57"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1", //version until 2012-10-15 (outdated due to changes in dataObject)
58"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.1", //version until 2012-10-21 (outdated due to small changes in addInInterface)
59"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.2", //version until 2012-10-30 (outdated due to small changes in addInInterface)
60"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.3", //version until 2012-11-09 (outdated due to changes in the checkData()-function in addInGrabber)
61"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.4", //version until 2012-11-12 (outdated due to changes in the DataObject)
62"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.5", //version until 2012-11-18 (outdated: changes in the API structure)
63"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.6", //version until 2012-12-20 (outdated: added paramBase metatype)
64"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.7", //version until 2013-01-17 (outdated: last version for itom version 1.0.5)
65"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.8", //version until 2013-01-23 (outdated: changes in auto-grabbing of cameras, first interface for itom version 1.0.6)
66"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.9", //version until 2013-03-04 (outdated: changes in dataObjectHelper)
67"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.10",//version until 2013-03-12 (outdated: Added license and about string to the plugin)
68"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.11",//version until 2013-03-22 (outdated: bugfix in ito::ParamBase)
69"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.12",//version until 2013-03-25 (outdated: changes in api)
70"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.13",//version until 2013-04-08 (outdated: removed transpose flag in dataObject)
71"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.14",//version until 2013-04-17 (outdated: uniqueID and identifier inserted/changed)
72"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.15",//version until 2013-04-23 (outdated: made some tag-space related methods non-inline (due to linker errors in MSVC))
73"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.16",//version until 2013-06-07 (outdated: added qpluginloader to the interface for cleaner unloading of plugins)
74"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.17",//version until 2013-06-11 (outdated: apis extended, changes in param-class)
75"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.18",//version until 2013-06-18 (outdated: iterator and constIterator introduced for dataObject)
76"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.19",//version until 2013-08-15 (outdated: operators +, +=, -, -= introduced for scalar operands)
77"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.20",//version until 2013-10-10 (outdated: RGBA-type introduced into dataObjectTypes)
78"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.21",//version until 2013-10-15 (outdated: getSize(..) and getTotalSize(..) return int now and -1 if error. Consistency to documented behaviour)
79"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.22",//version until 2013-10-27 (outdated: class Rgba32Base in typedefs.h and inherited class Rgba32 in color.h introduced, improved data() method in dataObj)
80"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.23",//version until 2013-12-17 (outdated: changed dataObject internal size parameters (back) from size_t to int - hopefully last time)
81"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.1.24",//version until 2014-02-09 (outdated: restructuring to itomCommonLib and itomCommonQtLib for a better binary compatibility)
82"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.2.0", //outdated on 2014-03-14 due to change in AddInDataIO::setVal(const char *data, const int length, ItomSharedSemaphore *waitCond = NULL); (const void *data changed to const char *data) (Qt5 bugfix)
83"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.2.1", //outdated on 2014-10-06 due to changes in APIs, retVal.h and itomWidgets-project. The next version 1.3.0 is the version for the setup 1.3.0.
84"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.3.0", //outdated on 2014-10-27 due to insertion of ito::AutoInterval object and addition of further ito::ParamMeta classes.
85"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.3.1", //outdated on 2015-03-01 due to rework on data object
86"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/1.4.0", //outdated on 2015-07-03 due to removal of lock mechanism in data object, add of embedded line plots, qt5 incompatibility changes and some refinements in addInInterface
87"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/2.0.0", //outdated on 2015-12-04 due to improvements in plot/figure interfaces, removal of deprecated classes helperActuator and helperGrabber and further removal of deprecated items
88"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/2.1.0", //outdated on 2016-02-01 due to improvements in PluginThreadCtrl, ActuatorThreadCtrl and DataIoThreadCtrl (as replacement for removed classes helperActuator and helperGrabber), new method ito::DataObject::getStep and some smaller rearrangements
89"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/2.2.0", //outdated on 2016-02-19 due to crash fixes if the main mindow is deleted and implicitly closes dock widgets of plugins, that are currently blocked by any other operation.
90"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/2.3.0", //outdated on 2016-06-14 due to changes in signal definitions in plots, introduction of complex and complexArray types in ParamBase and further smaller changes.
91"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/2.4.0", //outdated on 2016-07-12 due to new library itomCommonPlotLib.
92"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/2.5.0", //outdated on 2017-02-05 due to changes in ParamMeta classes
93"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/2.6.0", //outdated on 2017-02-05 since the AddInManager has been separated into its own shared library
94"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/3.0.0", //outdated on 2017-12-06 due to change of type (float to double) in ito::AutoInterval
95"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/3.1.0", //outdated on 2018-01-10 due to introduction of xData feature in plots
96"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/3.2.0", //outdated on 2019-03-03 due to cleanup in AddInInterface including Private-classes for all AddIn classes and the ability to return the last reported state and position of axes (even while the axis is currently moving)
97"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/3.3.0", //outdated on 2019-11-19 due to new FilterDefExt class and semver based interface numbering
98"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/4.0.0", //outdated on 2020-01-01 due to removal of Qt4 support and removal of #precompiler checks that differ between Qt4 and Qt5.
99"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/4.0.1", //outdated on 2020-03-31 due to atomic reference counting in ito::ByteArray
100"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/4.0.2", //outdated on 2020-09-15 due to additional property 'popupSlider' of 'ParamEditorWidget'
101"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/4.1.0", //outdated on 2020-12-14 due to new userMutex in AddInBase
102"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/4.2.0", //outdated on 2021-05-19 due to rework of ParamBase, Param, ParamMeta including the new StringList parameter type. Further changes in RetVal interface and bool operator of itom.dataObject.
103"ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/5.0.0", //outdated on 2022-05-07 due to bugfix of DObjMeta class (see https://github.com/itom-project/itom/issues/187)
119staticconstexprconstchar* ito_AddInInterface_CurrentVersion = CREATE_ADDININTERFACE_MAJOR_VERSION_STR(6); //results in "ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/x"; (the major version number 5 can not be replaced by the macros above. Does not work properly)