![]() |
This is the complete list of members for ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure, including all inherited members.
AbstractDObjPclFigure(const QString &itomSettingsFile, AbstractFigure::WindowMode windowMode=AbstractFigure::ModeStandaloneInUi, QWidget *parent=0) (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | private |
AbstractFigure(const QString &itomSettingsFile, WindowMode windowMode=ModeStandaloneInUi, QWidget *parent=0) (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
AbstractNode() | ito::AbstractNode | |
actionChanged() (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | privateslot |
addInputParam(ito::Param *param) | ito::AbstractNode | |
addMenu(QMenu *menu) | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
addOutputParam(ito::Param *param) | ito::AbstractNode | |
addToolBar(QToolBar *toolbar, const QString &key, Qt::ToolBarArea area=Qt::TopToolBarArea, int section=1) | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
addToolBarBreak(const QString &key, Qt::ToolBarArea area=Qt::TopToolBarArea) | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
addToolbox(QDockWidget *toolbox, const QString &key, Qt::DockWidgetArea area=Qt::RightDockWidgetArea) | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
applyUpdate(void)=0 (defined in ito::AbstractNode) | ito::AbstractNode | pure virtual |
attachChannel(QSharedPointer< Channel > channel) | ito::AbstractNode | protected |
colorMap (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | |
contextMenuEnabled (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
createChannel(const QString &senderParamName, AbstractNode *receiver, const QString &receiverParamName, bool replaceChannelIfExists=false) | ito::AbstractNode | |
d_ptr (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | private |
dataObject (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | |
detachChannel(QSharedPointer< Channel > channel) | ito::AbstractNode | protected |
event(QEvent *e) (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | virtual |
getApiFunctionBasePtr(void) (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | inline |
getApiFunctionGraphBasePtr(void) (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | inline |
getColorMap(void) const (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | privatevirtual |
getConnectedInputChannels(const QString &inputParamName) const | ito::AbstractNode | |
getConnectedInputChannels(const ito::Param *inputParam) const | ito::AbstractNode | |
getConnectedOutputChannels(const QString &outputParamName) const | ito::AbstractNode | |
getConnectedOutputChannels(const ito::Param *outputParam) const | ito::AbstractNode | |
getContextMenuEnabled() const =0 (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | pure virtual |
getDataObject(void) const (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | privatevirtual |
getInputParam(const QString ¶mName) const | ito::AbstractNode | |
getItomSettingsFile() const (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
getLegendRender() const (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | inlinevirtual |
getMenus() const (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
getOutputParam(const QString ¶mName) const | ito::AbstractNode | |
getPlotID() (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | slot |
getPropertyDockWidget() const (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
getToolbars() const (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
getToolbarVisible() const (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | virtual |
getToolboxes() const (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
getType() const | ito::AbstractNode | |
getUniqueID(void) const | ito::AbstractNode | |
getWindowMode() const (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
getXAxisInterval(void) const (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | privatevirtual |
getYAxisInterval(void) const (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | privatevirtual |
getZAxisInterval(void) const (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | privatevirtual |
hideToolBar(const QString &key) | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
importItomApi(void **apiPtr)=0 | ito::AbstractFigure | protectedpure virtual |
importItomApiGraph(void **apiPtr)=0 | ito::AbstractFigure | protectedpure virtual |
init() (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | inlineprotectedvirtual |
initialize() (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
inputParamChanged(const ito::ParamBase *updatedInputParam) | ito::AbstractNode | protected |
isConnected() const | ito::AbstractNode | |
m_apiFunctionsBasePtr (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
m_apiFunctionsGraphBasePtr (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
m_dataPointerDObj (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | protected |
m_inpType (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | protected |
mnuShowProperties(bool checked) | ito::AbstractFigure | privateslot |
mnuShowToolbar(bool) | ito::AbstractFigure | inlineprivateslot |
ModeInItomFigure enum value (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
ModeStandaloneInUi enum value (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
ModeStandaloneWindow enum value (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
ParamNamePair typedef (defined in ito::AbstractNode) | ito::AbstractNode | |
Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | private |
refreshPlot() (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | inlineslot |
registerShortcutActions() | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
removeAllChannelsToReceiver(const AbstractNode *receiver, QList< ParamNamePair > excludedConnections=QList< ParamNamePair >()) | ito::AbstractNode | |
removeAndDeleteInputParam(const QString ¶mName) | ito::AbstractNode | |
removeAndDeleteOutputParam(const QString ¶mName) | ito::AbstractNode | |
removeChannel(QSharedPointer< Channel > channel) | ito::AbstractNode | |
removeToolbox(const QString &key) | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
renderLegend (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
renderToPixMap(const int xsize, const int ysize, const int resolution) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | privatevirtual |
setApiFunctionBasePtr(void **apiFunctionBasePtr) (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
setApiFunctionGraphBasePtr(void **apiFunctionGraphBasePtr) (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
setColorMap(QString) (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | privatevirtual |
setContextMenuEnabled(bool show)=0 (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | pure virtual |
setDataObject(QSharedPointer< ito::DataObject >) (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | privatevirtual |
setLegendRender(const bool val) (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | inlinevirtual |
setLinePlot(const double x0, const double y0, const double x1, const double y1, const int destID=-1) (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | virtualslot |
setPropertyObservedObject(QObject *obj) | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
setToolbarVisible(bool visible) | ito::AbstractFigure | virtual |
setUpdatePending(QSharedPointer< ito::Channel > singleOutputChannel=QSharedPointer< ito::Channel >()) | ito::AbstractNode | |
setWindowTitleExtension(const QString &title) (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
setXAxisInterval(ito::AutoInterval) (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | privatevirtual |
setYAxisInterval(ito::AutoInterval) (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | privatevirtual |
setZAxisInterval(ito::AutoInterval) (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | privatevirtual |
showToolBar(const QString &key) | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
toolBarDestroyed(QObject *object) (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | privateslot |
toolbarVisible (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
toolBoxDestroyed(QObject *object) (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | privateslot |
UID | ito::AbstractNode | protectedstatic |
UnitLabelKeywordIn enum value (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
UnitLabelSlash enum value (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
UnitLabelSquareBrackets enum value (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
UnitLabelStyle enum name (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
update(void) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | privatevirtual |
updateChannelData(QSharedPointer< Channel > updatedChannel) | ito::AbstractNode | |
updateChannels(const QList< QString > &outputParamNames) | ito::AbstractNode | |
updatePropertyDock() | ito::AbstractFigure | protected |
WindowMode enum name (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | |
windowTitleModified(QString windowTitleSuffix) | ito::AbstractFigure | signal |
xAxisInterval (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | |
yAxisInterval (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | |
zAxisInterval (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | |
~AbstractDObjPclFigure() (defined in ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure) | ito::AbstractDObjPclFigure | privatevirtual |
~AbstractFigure() (defined in ito::AbstractFigure) | ito::AbstractFigure | virtual |
~AbstractNode() | ito::AbstractNode | virtual |