![]() |
This is the complete list of members for ito::AddInManager, including all inherited members.
AddInManager(QString itomSettingsFile, void **apiFuncsGraph, QObject *mainWindow=NULL, QObject *mainApplication=NULL) | ito::AddInManager | private |
closeAddIn(ito::AddInBase *addIn, ItomSharedSemaphore *aimWait=NULL) | ito::AddInManager | slot |
closeInstance() | ito::AddInManager | static |
createInstance(QString itomSettingsFile, void **apiFuncsGraph, QObject *mainWindow=NULL, QObject *mainApplication=NULL) | ito::AddInManager | static |
d_ptr | ito::AddInManager | private |
decRef(ito::AddInBase **plugin) | ito::AddInManager | |
getAboutInfo(const QString &name, QString &versionString) | ito::AddInManager | |
getActList(void) const | ito::AddInManager | |
getAddInPtr(const int itemNum) | ito::AddInManager | |
getAlgList(void) const | ito::AddInManager | |
getAlgoInterfaceValidator(void) const | ito::AddInManager | |
getAlgoWidgetDef(QString algoWidgetName, QString algoPluginName=QString()) | ito::AddInManager | |
getAlgoWidgetList(void) const | ito::AddInManager | |
getDataIOList(void) const | ito::AddInManager | |
getFilterByInterface(ito::AddInAlgo::tAlgoInterface iface, const QString tag=QString()) const | ito::AddInManager | |
getFilterByInterfaceAndCategory(ito::AddInAlgo::tAlgoInterface iface, ito::AddInAlgo::tAlgoCategory cat, const QString tag=QString()) const | ito::AddInManager | |
getFilterList(void) const | ito::AddInManager | |
getFiltersByCategory(ito::AddInAlgo::tAlgoCategory cat) const | ito::AddInManager | |
getHashedFilterParams(ito::AddInAlgo::t_filterParam filterParam) const | ito::AddInManager | |
getInitParams(const QString &name, const int pluginType, int *pluginNum, QVector< ito::Param > *¶msMand, QVector< ito::Param > *¶msOpt) | ito::AddInManager | |
getItemIndexInList(const void *item) | ito::AddInManager | |
getItomApiFuncsPtr(void) | ito::AddInManager | |
getPluginInfo(const QString &name, int &pluginType, int &pluginNum, int &version, QString &typeString, QString &author, QString &description, QString &detaildescription, QString &license, QString &about) | ito::AddInManager | |
getPluginLoadStatus() const | ito::AddInManager | |
getPluginModel(void) | ito::AddInManager | |
getTotalNumAddIns(void) const | ito::AddInManager | |
incRef(ito::AddInBase *plugin) | ito::AddInManager | |
initAddIn(const int pluginNum, const QString &name, ito::AddInDataIO **addIn, QVector< ito::ParamBase > *paramsMand, QVector< ito::ParamBase > *paramsOpt, bool autoLoadPluginParams, ItomSharedSemaphore *aimWait=NULL) | ito::AddInManager | slot |
initAddIn(const int pluginNum, const QString &name, ito::AddInActuator **addIn, QVector< ito::ParamBase > *paramsMand, QVector< ito::ParamBase > *paramsOpt, bool autoLoadPluginParams, ItomSharedSemaphore *aimWait=NULL) | ito::AddInManager | slot |
initAddIn(const int pluginNum, const QString &name, ito::AddInAlgo **addIn, QVector< ito::ParamBase > *paramsMand, QVector< ito::ParamBase > *paramsOpt, bool autoLoadPluginParams, ItomSharedSemaphore *aimWait=NULL) | ito::AddInManager | slot |
instance() | ito::AddInManager | inlinestatic |
interruptAllActuatorInstances(ItomSharedSemaphore *aimWait=NULL) | ito::AddInManager | slot |
isPluginInstanceDead(const ito::AddInBase *plugin) const | ito::AddInManager | |
Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(AddInManager) | ito::AddInManager | private |
Q_DISABLE_COPY(AddInManager) (defined in ito::AddInManager) | ito::AddInManager | private |
reloadAddIn(const QString &name) | ito::AddInManager | |
scanAddInDir(const QString &path, const int checkQCoreApp=1) | ito::AddInManager | |
setMainWindow(QObject *mainWindow) | ito::AddInManager | |
setTimeOuts(const int initClose, const int general) | ito::AddInManager | |
showConfigDialog(ito::AddInBase *addin, ItomSharedSemaphore *waitCond=NULL) | ito::AddInManager | slot |
showDockWidget(ito::AddInBase *addin, int visible, ItomSharedSemaphore *waitCond=NULL) | ito::AddInManager | slot |
splashLoadMessage(const QString &message) | ito::AddInManager | signal |
staticInstance (defined in ito::AddInManager) | ito::AddInManager | privatestatic |
updateModel(void) | ito::AddInManager | |
~AddInManager(void) | ito::AddInManager | private |