: QFont:Weight is not yet in the meta object system QMetaObject meta = QFont::staticMetaObject; for (int i = 0; i < meta.enumeratorCount(); ++i) { QMetaEnum metaEnum = meta.enumerator(i); if (metaEnum.name() == "Weight") { return QString(metaEnum.valueToKey(this->Font.weight())); } }
: probably, m_slotCount can also be set to methodOffset() of the QObject base class of PythonQtSignalMapper and should not be given as argument. it should not be offset of the object, that emits the signal but of this object, that has the virtual slot!
right now, the floatable window does not have an single icon in the windows taskbar and is always on top of the main window. This behavior can be changed e.g. by defining an own titleWidget of the dockWidget.