=================== DummyMotor =================== =============== ======================================================================================================== **Summary**: :pluginsummary:`DummyMotor` **Type**: :plugintype:`DummyMotor` **License**: :pluginlicense:`DummyMotor` **Platforms**: Windows, Linux **Devices**: Virtual dummy motor with up to 6 axes. **Author**: :pluginauthor:`DummyMotor` =============== ======================================================================================================== Overview ======== .. pluginsummaryextended:: :plugin: DummyMotor Initialization ============== The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin: .. plugininitparams:: :plugin: DummyMotor Parameters =========== An instance of this plugin has the following parameters: **accel**: float Acceleration in mm/s^2, currently not implemented *Value range: [1, 10], Unit: mm/s^2, Default: 1* **async**: int Toggles if motor has to wait until end of movement (0:sync) or not (1:async) *Value range: [0, 1], Default: 0* **homed**: Sequence[int], read-only If 0, the axis is not homed. 1: homed. *Allowed number of values: 0 - 1, Value range: [0, 1], Default: [0]* **limitNeg**: Sequence[float] negative limits of axes *1 values required, Value range: [-1e+208, 1e+208], Default: [-1000]* **limitPos**: Sequence[float] positive limits of axes *1 values required, Value range: [-1e+208, 1e+208], Default: [1000]* **name**: str, read-only name of the plugin *Match: "General", Default: "DummyMotor"* **numaxis**: int, read-only Number of axes attached to this stage *Value range: [1, 6], Default: 1* **speed**: float Speed of the axis between 0.1 and 100000 mm/s *Value range: [0.1, 100000], Unit: mm/s, Default: 1* **useLimits**: Sequence[int] Use axes limits and limit switches *1 values required, Value range: [0, 1], Default: [0]* Changelog ========== * itom setup 1.2.0: Release * itom setup 4.3.0: Added parameter **homed**