=================== Andor SDK3 =================== =============== ======================================================================================================== **Summary**: :pluginsummary:`AndorSDK3` **Type**: :plugintype:`AndorSDK3` **License**: :pluginlicense:`AndorSDK3` **Platforms**: Windows, Linux ready but not tested **Devices**: Andor cameras supported by their SDK3 (Zyla, Neo) **Author**: :pluginauthor:`AndorSDK3` =============== ======================================================================================================== Overview ======== .. pluginsummaryextended:: :plugin: AndorSDK3 Initialization ============== The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin: .. plugininitparams:: :plugin: AndorSDK3 Parameters =========== An instance of this plugin has the following internal parameters: **name**: {str}, read-only AVTVimba **integration_time**: {float} Exposure time of chip (in seconds) **binning**: {int} Horizontal and vertical binning, depending on camera ability. 104 means a 1x binning in horizontal and 4x binning in vertical direction. (only symmetric binning is allowed; if read only binning is not supported) **gain**: {float}, read-only Gain (normalized value 0..1) **sizex**: {int}, read-only Pixelsize in x (cols) **sizey**: {int}, read-only Pixelsize in y (rows) **roi**: {int seq.} ROI (x,y,width,height) [this replaces the values x0,x1,y0,y1] **bpp**: {int} Bitdepth of each pixel **timeout**: {float} acquisition timeout in secs **frame_rate**: {float} frame rate in Hz **interface**: {str}, read-only camera interface type **firmware_version**: {str}, read-only firmware version **camera_model**: {str}, read-only model name of camera **camera_name**: {str}, read-only name of camera **serial_number**: {str}, read-only serial number of camera **sdk_version**: {str}, read-only Andor SDK3 version **trigger_mode**: {str} camera trigger (Internal, Software, External, External Start, External Exposure) **fan_speed**: {str} fan speed (Off, Low, On - not all values are available for every camera) **pixel_readout_rate**: {str} pixel readout rate in MHz ('100 MHz', '200 MHz', '280 MHz', '550 MHz'; not all options are available for all cameras) **electronic_shuttering_mode**: {int} 0: rolling shutter (for highest frame rate, best noise performance, default), 1: global shutter (for pulsed, fast moving images) **full_aoi_control**: {int}, read-only indicates if full AOI control is available (usually yes, for some Neo cameras it isn't and you can only apply certain ROI sizes (see camera manual)) **readout_time**: {float}, read-only time to readout data from the sensor in the current configuration (0.0 if not implemented) **sensor_temperature**: {float}, read-only current temperature of sensor in °C (inf if not implemented) **sensor_cooling**: {int} state of the sensor cooling. Cooling is disabled (0) by default at power up and must be enabled (1) for the camera to achieve its target temperature Installation ============ *Windows:* Go to the Andor download page (e.g. https://andor.oxinst.com). Register as a user and Download the ANDOR SDK3. Enter your product details comprising the Product Model and Serial Number to request access to the SDK: The Andor SDK should be found via the default installation path (e.g. C:/Program Files/Andor SDK3). If not, set the environmental variable **ANDOR_SDK_ROOT** accordingly. Changelog ========== * itom setup 3.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Andor SDK 3.08.30007.0 * itom setup 3.2.1: This plugin has been compiled using the Andor SDK 3.08.30007.0 * itom setup 4.0.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Andor SDK 3.08.30007.0 * itom setup 4.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Andor SDK 3.08.30007.0 * itom setup 4.3.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Andor SDK 3.15.30092.0