6.6. isometric Plot#
“ItomIsoGLWidget” is a plot for pseudo 3D visualization of image like DataObjects. It is based on openGL and renders the objects either to triangles (“triangle mode”) or points (“Joe-Mode”). All DataTypes except “rgba32” are accepted. To plot complex objects, it is possible to select between the following modes: “absolute”, “phase”, “real” and “imaginary”.
The figure does not support z-stack sectioning. The “ItomIsoGLWidget” does support neither graphic element / marker plotting nor line or pixel picking. Hence this plot will be improved and replaced by a new version for the next release.
6.6.1. Properties#
colorMap : QString, Defines which color map should be used [e.g. grayMarked, hotIron].
zAxisInterval : QPointF, Sets the visible range of the displayed z-axis (in coordinates of the data object) or (0.0, 0.0) if range should be automatically set [default]. Not implemented yet
yAxisInterval : QPointF, Sets the visible range of the displayed y-axis (in coordinates of the data object) or (0.0, 0.0) if range should be automatically set [default]. Not implemented yet
xAxisInterval : QPointF, Sets the visible range of the displayed x-axis (in coordinates of the data object) or (0.0, 0.0) if range should be automatically set [default]. Not implemented yet
camera : ito::AddInDataIO, Use this property to set a camera/grabber to this plot (live image).
displayed : ito::DataObject, This returns the currently displayed data object [read only].
source : ito::DataObject, Sets the input data object for this plot.
contextMenuEnabled : bool, Defines whether the context menu of the plot should be enabled or not. Not implemented yet
toolbarVisible : bool, Toggles the visibility of the toolbar of the plot. Not implemented yet
6.6.2. Slots#
ito::RetVal setLinePlot( double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1 [, int linePlotIdx = -1]):
this can be invoked by python to trigger a line plot, inherited from class AbstractDObjFigure, not implemented at the moment
x0, double: first position of line plot in x-Direction
y0, double: first position of line plot in y-Direction
x1, double: second position of line plot in x-Direction
y1, double: second position of line plot in x-Direction
ito::RetVal setSource( ito::DataObject source, ItomSharedSemaphore* )
Set new source object to this plot. Usually invoked by any camera if used as a live image from internal C++-Code.
source, ito::DataObject: The new dataObject to display
semaphore, ItomSharedSemaphore: A semaphore to handle the multi-threading.
refreshPlot( ):
Refresh / redraw current plot
triggerReplot( ):
Refresh / redraw current plot
6.6.3. Deprecated figures#