4.2. MeasurementComputing


MeasurementComputing Digital-Analog Converter Plugin.










J. Krauter, ITO, University Stuttgart

4.2.1. Overview

The MeasurementComputing is a itom-Plugin to give a direct access to the MeasurementComputing USB digital to analog converter (e. g. USB-1208LS).

Measurement Computing devices are available with analog input and output, digital I/O, counter and temperature ports. Before you can use this itom-Plugin, you must configure the D/A board using the software ‘InstaCal’. First define a board number in the software ‘InstaCal’ (e.g. 0). This board number is a mandatory itom plugin initiation parameter.

The analog input channels are acquire by using the acquire-function, then the data are returned to python by the getVal- or copyVal-function. Returned data are a dataobject of the size m x n, where m are the number of channels and n the number of acquired samples. The analog output values are set by the setVal-function. Digital I/O, counter and temperature ports can be used by the exec-functions, see in the description below. Refer to http://www.mccdaq.com/execteam.html for the names, titles, and contact information of each key executive at Measurement Computing.

4.2.2. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • board_number: int

    board number of the connected device. This number must be defined by the software ‘InstaCal’

    Value range: [0, 254], Default: 0

To create a new instance using the following python code:

instance = dataIO("MeasurementComputing", board_number)

4.2.3. Parameters

These parameters are available and can be used to configure the MeasurementComputing instance. Many of them are directly initialized by the parameters of the constructor. During the runtime of an instance, the value of these parameters is obtained by the method getParam, writeable parameters can be changed using setParam.

analog_high_input_channel: {int}

last analog input channel (See pin description of your device).

analog_high_output_channel: {int}

last analog output channel (See pin descirption of your device).

analog_input_bpp: {int}, read-only

bit resolution of the analog input.

analog_low_input_channel: {int}

first analog input channel (See pin description of your device).

analog_low_output_channel: {int}

first analog output channel (See pin descirption of your device).

analog_number_inputs: {int}, read-only

number of input channels of this device.

analog_number_outputs: {int}, read-only

number of output channels of this device.

analog_output_bpp: {int}, read-only

bit resolution of the analog output.

analog_voltage_input: {int}

if parameter is set to 1, the A/D value is returned as a voltage value.

analog_voltage_output: {int}

if parameter is set to 1, the D/A value is set as a voltage value.

clock_frequency: {int}

clock frequency in megahertz (MHz) (40, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) or 0 for not supported.

device_name: {str}, read-only

name of connected device.

digital_number_ports: {int}, read-only

number of digital I/O ports of this device.

digital_port_mode: {int}

sets the digital port defined by the parameter digtal_devices_type as input (2) or output(1).

digital_port_name: {str}

digital devices type.

input_range_code: {str}

A/D range code, if board has a programmable gain. Refer to board specific information for a list of the supported A/D ranges.

input_samples_per_second: {int}

analog input samples per second. The samples are distributed over all channels. The effective rate per channel is this parameter divided by the number of channels. USB1208LS: 100 Hz - 1200 Hz, for higher rates a fast acquisition with 8000 Hz is executed where only 4096 samples can be acquired in one run.

name: {str}, read-only

name of itom plugin.

number_counter_channel: {int}, read-only

number of counter channels of this device.

number_temperature_channel: {int}, read-only

number of temperature channels of this device.

output_range_code: {str}

D/A range code, if board has a programmable gain. Refer to board specific information for a list of the supported D/A ranges.

samples_per_input_channel: {int}

number of samples that are acquired per channel after each acquisition.

serial_number: {str}, read-only

serial number of connected device.

temperature_scale: {str}

scale value of the temperature input. Coises are CELSIUS, FAHRENHEIT, KELVIN, VOLTS and NOSCALE. default = CELSIUS.

4.2.4. Range codes

The table below shows the range codes for the input_range_code and output_range_code parameters and the voltage range, which can be detected. Valid range for your hardware are listed in the Universal Library User’s Guide.



range code

range [Volts]

range code

range [Volts]


-60 to 60


0 to 10


-30 to +30


0 to 5


-20 to +20


0 to 4


-15 to +15


0 to 2.5


-10 to +10


0 to 2


-5 to +5


0 to 1.67


-4 to +4


0 to 1.25


-2.5 to +2.5


0 to 1


-2.0 to +2.0


0 to 0.5


-1.25 to +1.25


0 to 0.25


-1 to +1


0 to 0.2


-0.625 to +0.625


0 to 0.1


-0.5 to +0.5


0 to 0.05


-0.25 to +0.25


0 to 0.02


-0.2 to +0.2


0 to 0.01


-0.1 to +0.1


-0.05 to +0.05


-0.01 to +0.01


-0.005 to +0.005


-1.67 to +1.67


-0.312 to +0.312


-0.156 to +0.156


-0.125 to +0.125


-0.078 to +0.078

4.2.5. Additional functions (exec functions)

The plugin execFunctions are:




reads a single bit of the specified I/O port. Use the parameters digital_port_name to define the port you want to use. Use the parameter digital_port_mode to define the port as a input port.


reads and returns the current count of the specified counter input channel. Use the parameter counter_set_value to reset the counter.


reads the digital I/O port value. Use the parameters digital_port_name to define the port you want to use. Use the parameter digital_port_mode to define the port as a input port.


reads and returns the temperature value of the specific input channel defined by the temperature_input_channel. Use the parameter temperature_scale the define the temperature scaling value.


reads and returns the voltage value of the specified input channel in the parameter voltage_input_channel.


sets a single bit of the specified I/O port. Use the parameters digital_port_name to define the port you want to use. Use the parameter digital_port_mode to define the port as a output port.


sets the digital I/O port value. Use the parameters digital_port_name to define the port you want to use. Use the parameter digital_port_mode to define the port as a output port.


set the voltage value at the specific analog output channel defined by the parameter voltage_output_channel.

instance.exec('getVIn', voltage_input_channel)

reads and returns the voltage value of the specified input channel in the parameter voltage_input_channel.


voltage_input_channel (int) – voltage input channel


voltage_input - voltage value of defined input channel

Return type


instance.exec('setVOut', voltage_output_channel, voltage_output)

set the voltage value at the specific analog output channel defined by the parameter voltage_output_channel.

  • voltage_output_channel (int) – voltage output channel

  • voltage_output (float) – voltage value to set at the output channel

instance.exec('getTIn', temperature_input_channel)

reads and returns the temperature value of the specific input channel defined by the temperature_input_channel. Use the parameter temperature_scale the define the temperature scaling value.


temperature_input_channel (int) – temperature input channel


temperature_input - temperature value of defined input channel

Return type


instance.exec('getBitIn', digital_port_number, digital_port_bit_number)

reads a single bit of the specified I/O port. Use the parameters digital_port_name to define the port you want to use. Use the parameter digital_port_mode to define the port as a input port.

  • digital_port_number (str) – digital I/O port to read

  • digital_port_bit_number (int) – digital port bit number of the specific I/O port


digital_port_value - digital input value of the specific I/O port-bit

Return type


instance.exec('setDOut', digital_port_number, digital_port_value)

sets the digital I/O port value. Use the parameters digital_port_name to define the port you want to use. Use the parameter digital_port_mode to define the port as a output port.

  • digital_port_number (str) – digital I/O port to read

  • digital_port_value (int) – digital output value of the specific I/O port

instance.exec('setBitOut', digital_port_number, digital_port_bit_number, digital_port_value)

sets a single bit of the specified I/O port. Use the parameters digital_port_name to define the port you want to use. Use the parameter digital_port_mode to define the port as a output port.

  • digital_port_number (str) – digital I/O port to read

  • digital_port_bit_number (int) – digital port bit number of the specific I/O port

  • digital_port_value (int) – digital output value of the specific I/O port-bit

instance.exec('getCIn', counter_input_channel[, counter_set_value])

reads and returns the current count of the specified counter input channel. Use the parameter counter_set_value to reset the counter.

  • counter_input_channel (int) – counter input channel

  • counter_set_value (int - optional) – counter value to load into the counter’s register. To reset the counter, load the value zero


counter_input - counter value of defined input channel

Return type


instance.exec('getDIn', digital_port_number)

reads the digital I/O port value. Use the parameters digital_port_name to define the port you want to use. Use the parameter digital_port_mode to define the port as a input port.


digital_port_number (str) – digital I/O port to read


digital_port_value - digital input value of the specific I/O port

Return type


4.2.6. Usage

Then create a new instance of the analog-digital converter plugin MeasurementComputing. A Mandatory parameter is the board number, defined by the software ‘InstaCal’.

instance = dataIO("MeasurementComputing", board_number)

Plugin parameter can be canged by using the function setParam. This examples shows how the analog input channels are configured. The devices will acquire the data from the analog_low_input_channel to the analog_high_input_channel.

high_channel = 3
low_channel = 0
instance.setParam("analog_high_input_channel", high_channel)
instance.setParam("analog_low_input_channel", low_channel)

This examples shows how the range code is defined (see the available ranges in the table above):

range_code = "BIP5VOLTS"
instance.setParam("input_range_code", range_code)

The analog input signals can be acquired by using following example code. The data are saved in the dataobject of size [m x n], where m is the number of input channels (the number of channels is equal to (analog_high_input_channel - analog_low_input_channel + 1)) and n is the number of acquired input samples (definded by the parameter samples_per_input_channel). analog_voltage_input parameter can be used to save the data in voltage values.

d = dataObject()

Output values of the analog output ports are used by the following example. First you must define a dataObject with the output values you want to set by the analog output channel. Use the parameter analog_voltage_output to define, if you want to used voltage values, otherwise your maximum digital value is definded by the analog_output_bpp.

# set the analog output by digital values
numberChannels = 2
numberSamples = 1
range_code = "UNI5VOLTS"
instance.setParam("analog_voltage_output", 0)
instance.setParam("output_range_code", range_code)
outValues = dataObject([numberChannels, numberSamples], 'int16')
outValues[:,:] = 1023 # 5V analog output in case of 10bit output channel resolution

#set the analog output by voltage values
instance.setParam("analog_voltage_output", 1)
outValues = dataObject([numberChannels, numberSamples], 'float32')
outValues[:,:] = 5.0

The digital port can be used like in the following example.

# set the digital port as input to use it as a input channel
instance.setParam("digital_port_mode", 2)
instance.exec("getDIn", "FIRSTPORTA")

# set the digital port as output to use it for output reasons
instance.setParam("digital_port_mode", 1)
outValues = 255         # all port pin connections to high
instance.exec("setDOut", "FIRSTPORTA", outValues)

One single bit of the digital port is read by using the execFunction getBitIn.

# set the digital port as input
instance.setParam("digital_port_mode", 2)
instance.exec("getBitIn", "FIRSTPORTA", 0)

# set the digital port as output
instance.setParam("digital_port_mode", 1)
outValues = 255
bitNumber = 0
instance.exec("setBitOut", "FIRSTPORTA", bitNumber, outValues)

The temperature channel can be read by the execFunction getTIn. Use the temperature_scale parameter to define the value unit you want to get the data.

channel = 0
instance.setParam("temperature_scale", "CELSIUS")
instance.exec("getTIn", channel)

The counter input is used by the execFunction getCIn. With the optional parameter counter_set_value the counter can be reset.

channel = 0
instance.exec("getCIn", channel)
# reset the counter
resetvalue = 0
instance.exec("getCIn", channel, resetvalue)

4.2.7. Installation

You have to install the MCC Daq Software, namely the tool “InstaCal and Universal Library for Windows”. Then, indicate the following variables in CMake to properly configure the build of this plugin:

  • MeasurementComputing_DAQ_BINARY: e.g. C:/Program Files (x86)/Measurement Computing/DAQ/cbw64.dll (or cbw32.dll for 32bit itom)

  • MeasurementComputing_DAQ_SDK_DIR: e.g. C:/Users/Public/Documents/Measurement Computing/DAQ/C

4.2.8. Changelog

  • 2016-01-18: This plugin was added to the public repository and will be part of setups > itom 2.0.0

  • itom setup 2.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using CBW library version 1.83

  • itom setup 2.2.0: This plugin has been compiled using CBW library version 1.83

  • itom setup 2.2.1: This plugin has been compiled using CBW library version 1.89

  • itom setup 3.0.0: This plugin has been compiled using CBW library version 1.89

  • itom setup 3.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using CBW library version 1.89

  • itom setup 3.2.1: This plugin has been compiled using CBW library version 1.89

  • itom setup 4.0.0: This plugin has been compiled using CBW library version 1.89

  • itom setup 4.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using CBW library version 1.89