4.3. OphirPowermeter


Plugin for Ophir Powermeter.




licensed under LGPL


Windows, (Linux possible but yet not implemented)


Powermeter VEGA from company Ophir


J. Krauter, TRUMPF SE + Co. KG

4.3.1. Overview

The OphirPowermeter is an itom plugin which is used for Powermeters from Ophir. It supports the RS232 and USB connection types. To use the RS232 variante, you must initiate first a serialIO plugin and use it as an initParameter.

Tested devices: 1-channel VEGA (USB, RS232) with a Thermopile head.For the USB type it is necessary to install the COM object which comes with StarLab form Ophir.Download page: https://www.ophiropt.com/laser–measurement/software/com-object

4.3.2. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • connection: str

    Type of the connection (‘RS232’, ‘USB’). For the RS232 connection a serialIO plugin instance is needed!

    Match: [“RS232”, “USB”], Default: “RS232”

  • serial: Union[itom.dataIO, itom.actuator], optional

    An opened serial port (the right communication parameters will be set by this plugin).

    Only plugin “SerialIO” is allowed

  • serialNo: str, optional

    Serial number of the device to be connected. If empty, all found serial numbers will be printed and the first device that is detected will be opened.

    default: “”

4.3.3. Parameters

ROMVersion: {str}, read-only

Version of ROM software.

battery: {int}, read-only

1 if battery is OK, 0 if battery is low.

calibrationDueDate: {str}, read-only

Calibration due date.

comPort: {int}, read-only

The current com-port ID of this specific device. -1 means undefined.

connection: {str}, read-only

type of the connection (‘RS232’, ‘USB’).

deviceType: {str}, read-only

Device type (NOVA, VEGA, LASERSTAR-S (single channel), LASERSTAR-D (dual channel), Nova- II).

headName: {str}, read-only

Head name connected to the device.

headSerialNumber: {str}, read-only

Head serial number connected to the device.

headType: {str}, read-only

Head type (thermopile, BC20, temperature probe, photodiode, CIE head, RP head, pyroelectric, nanoJoule meter, no head connected.

measurementType: {str}

Measurement type (energy or power).

name: {str}, read-only

Name of plugin.

range: {int}

Measurement range (0: AUTO, 1: 150W, 2: 50.0W, 3: 5.00W).

serialNumber: {str}, read-only

Serial number of the device shown on display.

timeout: {int}, read-only

Request timeout, default 1000 ms.

unit: {str}

Unit of device

wavelength: {str}

Available discrete wavelengths: 10.6 .8-6 <.8u.

wavelengthSet: {str}, read-only

Setting of the measurement wavelength (DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS).

4.3.4. Exemplary usage from Python

In the following script, the first detectable power meter is connected and a oscilloscope-like plot is opened that displays a moving graph of recent intensity values:

connectionType = "USB"

if connectionType == "USB":  # connects the USB powermeter type
    adda = dataIO("OphirPowermeter", connection=connectionType)  # connect a USB Powermeter
elif connectionType == "RS232":  # connects the RS232 powermeter type with the additional SerialIO instance
    port = 4
    baud = 9600
    endline = '\n\r'
    adda = dataIO("OphirPowermeter", connection=connectionType, serial=dataIO("SerialIO", port, baud, endline))

numPoints = 1000
image = dataObject.zeros([1, numPoints], 'float64')
[i, plotHandle] = plot1(image)

def timeout():
    global timerId
    d = dataObject()
    adda.acquire()  # acquire new intensity value

    image[0, 0: numPoints - 1] = image[0, 1:]  # shift pixels to the left by one...

    adda.getVal(d)  # get the recently acquired value
    image[0, numPoints - 1] = d[0, 0]  # ...append new value to the end of image

    if plotHandle.exists():
            plotHandle["source"] = image  # update the displayed image
        print("Figure has been closed. Stop acquisition...")
        del timerId

timerId = timer(50, timeout)  # call timeout every 50ms

4.3.5. Changelog

  • itom setup 4.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using the StarLab 3.60.0