5.1. Basic GPL Filters


filter-functions for dateObjects




GPL 3.0


Windows, Linux


W. Lyda, twip optical solutions GmbH (plugin)

5.1.1. Overview

This plugin provides several basic filter calculations for itom::dataObject. These filteres are derived from other open-source projects under GPL and hence this plugin is also GPL. These are for instance:

  • despeckle via histogramm and median derived from the GIMP 2.8 despeckle-filter by Michael Sweet

This plugin does not have any unusual dependencies.

These filters are defined in the plugin:

  1. despeckleAdapted()

5.1.2. Filters

Detailed overview about all defined filters:

itom.algorithms.despeckleAdapted(scrImage, destImage[, lowestValue, highestValue, radius, adapt])

The filter was implemented based on despeckle filter in gimp 2.8. The filter remove speckle noise from the image This plugin selectively performs a median or adaptive box filter on an image. Michael Sweet <mike@easysw.com>, Copyright 1997-1998 by Michael Sweet

  • scrImage (itom.dataObject) – Input image

  • destImage (itom.dataObject) – Output image

  • lowestValue (int, optional) –

    Only values > lowestValue are used

    Value range: [-1, 256], Default: -1

  • highestValue (int, optional) –

    Only values < lowestValue are used

    Value range: [-1, 256], Default: 256

  • radius (int, optional) –

    Radius of filter kernel

    Value range: [1, 30], Default: 1

  • adapt (int, optional) –

    Adapted used radius between 1 and radius

    Value range: [0, 1], Default: 1