5.7. Fringe Proj


Algorithms used for fringe projection (phase shifting and Gray code)






Windows, Linux


C. Kohler, M. Gronle, ITO, University Stuttgart

5.7.1. Overview

This DLL contains several reconstruction algorithms for fringe projection.

These filters are defined in the plugin:

  1. calcCiMap()

  2. calcPhaseMap4()

  3. calcPhaseMapN()

  4. createXYMaps()

  5. genGraycodePattern()

  6. gray2DecLookup()

  7. unwrapPhaseGray()

5.7.2. Filters

Detailed overview about all defined filters:

itom.algorithms.calcCiMap(images, contThres, brightUpperLimit, darkLowerLimit, ciMap[, safetyFactor])

Calculate the indexmap for graycode image stack

  • images (itom.dataObject) – Continous 3D-image stack (uint8 or uint16)

  • contThres (float) –

    Threshold for contrast. Only pixels with ((bright-dark) > contThres) will be considered

    Value range: [0, 65535], Default: 10

  • brightUpperLimit (float) –

    Pixels with bright image > brightUpperLimit will be set to invalid (-10)

    Value range: [0, 65535], Default: 65535

  • darkLowerLimit (float) –

    Pixels with dark image < darkLowerLimit will be set to invalid (-10)

    Value range: [0, 65535], Default: 10

  • ciMap (itom.dataObject) – 2D-Output object [int16, 2pi-phase-index (>=0) or -10 for invalid]

  • safetyFactor (float, optional) –

    Intensity values that lie in a band around the mean value (bright+dark)/2 will be ignored. The width of the band is given by safetyFactor*(bright-dark)

    Value range: [0, 1], Default: 0

itom.algorithms.calcPhaseMap4(images, contThreas, overExp, phasePhase, modulationMap)

Reconstructs wrapped phase from four 90degree phase shifted images. The phase value is determined using the Carré algorithm: atan2(I3-I1,I2-I0).

  • images (itom.dataObject) – 4 x Y x X image stack (uint8 or uint16) with 4 phase shifted images (90° each)

  • contThreas (float) –

    Contrast threshold (val < threas = invalid)

    Value range: [0, 65535], Default: 10

  • overExp (int) –

    Value for over-exposed pixels or 0 if it should not be considered

    Value range: [0, 65535], Default: 255

  • phasePhase (itom.dataObject) – Wrapped phase result (float32, [-pi..pi] or -10 for invalid)

  • modulationMap (itom.dataObject) – Map with intensity modulation (float32, [0..max. overExp], invalids are not marked here)

itom.algorithms.calcPhaseMapN(images, contThreas, overExp, phasePhase, modulationMap)

Reconstructs wrapped phase from N phaseshifted images with a shift of 2pi / N. The definition of the phase is equal to calcPhaseMap4.

  • images (itom.dataObject) – N x Y x X continous image stack

  • contThreas (float) –

    Contrast threashold (val < threas = invalid)

    Value range: [0, 65535], Default: 10

  • overExp (int) –

    Value for over-exposed pixels or 0 if it should not be considered

    Value range: [0, 65535], Default: 255

  • phasePhase (itom.dataObject) – Wrapped phase result

  • modulationMap (itom.dataObject) – Map with intensity modulation

itom.algorithms.createXYMaps(dispMap, xMap, yMap, scale, dLateral, shiftInXNotY)

Creates the X- and Y-Map for the given disparity map. The values consider the given scaling factor and the disparity-dependent shift due to the tilted illumination.

  • dispMap (itom.dataObject) – 2D disparity map (float32)

  • xMap (itom.dataObject) – 2D x-map (float32)

  • yMap (itom.dataObject) – 2D y-map (float32)

  • scale (float) –

    Base-Scaling value (mm/px)

    Value range: [0, 65535], Default: 10

  • dLateral (float) –

    Lateral-shift per disparity value (mm/mm)

    Value range: [-65535, 65535], Default: 0

  • shiftInXNotY (int) –

    0: lateral shift in y-direction, 1: in x-direction

    Value range: [0, 1], Default: 0

itom.algorithms.genGraycodePattern(dataObj, axis[, patternSequence, offset, offsetAutoCenter])

generates the graycode pattern that fills up the given data object of type uint8, uint16 or uint32

  • dataObj (itom.dataObject) – 2d data object whose data is filled with the pattern along the given axis (0, 1). Type must be uint8, uint16 or uint32

  • axis (int) –

    axis along the pattern is generated (0: along columns, 1: along rows)

    Value range: [0, 1], Default: 0

  • patternSequence (itom.dataObject, optional) – MxN data object of type uint8 with the single patterns (black = 0, white = 255). N corresponds to the necessary bit width, M is equal to the number of rows or columns of dataObj depending on axis

  • offset (int, optional) –

    it is possible to apply an offset to each row- or column number before calculating the graycode. This can be done in order to ‘center’ the graycode sequence. If offsetAutoCenter is 1, the offset is set to [(1<<necessaryBitWidth) - (rows or cols)]/2

    Value range: [0, inf], Default: 0

  • offsetAutoCenter (int, optional) –

    see offset

    Value range: [0, 1], Default: 0


usedOffset - applied offset to each pixel number, that is the gray-code is determined from [(row or col) + offset]

Return type



bitWidth - bit width for the requested pattern

Return type


itom.algorithms.gray2DecLookup(graycodeBitWidth, gcToDecLUT[, offset])

creates a 1xN lookup table to convert a gray-code value into its corresponding decimal value.

The gray-code has a maximal width of graycodeBitWidth. Hence, N corresponds 1 << (graycodeBitWidth+1) To apply this lookup table to a dataObject or numpy array, consider using the numpy method take(lut,array) that returns (lut[array[i]] for i in array).

  • graycodeBitWidth (int) –

    number of bits in the gray code (number of used gray-code sequences)

    Value range: [1, 32], Default: 3

  • gcToDecLUT (itom.dataObject) – lookup table, 1xN, uint8, uint16 or uint32 depending on graycodeBitWidth

  • offset (int, optional) –

    possible offset that is subtracted from each decimal value in the lookup table. This is necessary if the graycode sequence has been generated using a positive offset

    Value range: [0, inf], Default: 0

itom.algorithms.unwrapPhaseGray(contThreas, maxPha, ciMap, rawPhase, modulationMap, phaseMap)

Unwrapped phase by Graycode (CiMap)

  • contThreas (float) –

    Contrast threashold (val < threas = invalid)

    Value range: [0, 65535], Default: 10

  • maxPha (float) –

    Highest possible unwrapped phase

    Value range: [0, 65535], Default: 65535

  • ciMap (itom.dataObject) – 2D Inputobject from evaluated Graycode (int16)

  • rawPhase (itom.dataObject) – 2D Raw (wrapped) phase (float32) (NaN is represented -10, else [-pi,pi])

  • modulationMap (itom.dataObject) – 2D Modulation map from phase evaluation (float32)

  • phaseMap (itom.dataObject) – Absolute height value (result) [float32] range: [0,maxPha] or NaN for invalid phases