3.2. LibModBus#








Windows, Linux


Modbus communication over TCP/IP and RTU



3.2.1. Overview#

3.2.2. Initialization#

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

An example for opening a LibModBus instance at local host; port 502 is:

lmb = dataIO("LibModBus", '', 502)

3.2.3. Parameters#

These parameters are available and can be used to configure the LibModBus instance. Many of them are directly initialized by the parameters of the constructor. During the runtime of an instance, the value of these parameters is obtained by the method getParam, writeable parameters can be changed using setParam.

name: {str}, read-only

name of the plugin (LibModBus)

target: {str}, read-only

IP-Address of the connected Modbus-TCP device or serial port for Modbus-RTU connection. Under Windows COM1-COM9 is supported, unix-based systems should use /dev/ttyS0.. or /dev/ttyUSB0..

port: {int}, read-only

port used for IP communication or device ID for ModbusRTU

baud: {int}, read-only

The baudrate of the port for RTU communication

parity: {str}, read-only

Parity for RTU communication (N->None, E->Even, O->Odd)

databit: {int}, read-only

Number of bits to be written in line for RTU communication

stopbit: {int}, read-only

Stop bits after every n bits for RTU communication

output_mode: {bool}

if output_mode is true, multiple outputs will be sent to command line, e.g. register values of getVal function. Default is false

registers: {str}

fallback addressing for modbus registers. This value will be used, if a dataObject without ‘registers’-tag is sent to the getVal- or setVal-function. registers needs to be stored with address and number of consecutive registers separated by ‘,’ and different registers separated by ‘;’ i.e.: ‘10,2;34,1;77,4’ to address registers 10,11;34;77..80. Number 1 of consecutive registers can be left out i.e.:’10,2;34;77,4’

3.2.4. Usage#

Values can be read or written via modbus communication using the getVal(dObj) and setVal(dObj) functions. The dataObject dObj needs to be two dimensional with the first dimension set to 1, the second dimension has to have the exact size of the numbers of written or read registers. As modbus uses 16bit integer values, dObj must be initialized as ‘uint16’ for modbus register values. To read or write coils, dObj must be initialized as ‘uint8’ as the decision for using read/write coil or read/write register only depends on the data type of the input data object.

obj = dataObject([1,10],'uint16')

To address the requested registers, either parameter registers can be used, or obj can be given a registers-tag. The registers-tag has to have the same structure as the registers parameter. The parameter is useful if the same registers need to be read/written multiple times while the tag should be used for changing registers.

lmb = dataIO("LibModBus", '', 502)
obj = dataObject([1,10],'uint16')           #initializes register-object
coilObj = dataObject([1,10],'uint8')        #initializes coil-object
lmb.getVal(obj)                             #reads registers 10,11,34,77..80,100..102 and saves them to obj consecutive
lmb.getVal(coilObj)                         #reads coils 10,11,34,77..80,100..102 and saves them to obj consecutive
obj.setTag('registers','105,4;200,4;204,2') #sets registers-tag
lmb.setVal(obj)                             #writes previously read values to registers 105..108,200..203,204,205
lmb.setVal(obj)                             #produces error, obj is of size [1,10] but only 8 registers (105..108,200..203) are requested

The number of consecutive registers is generally used to read/write values that are bigger than 16bit (2 registers for 32bit, 4 registers for 64bit)and should be used that way. Please refer to the documentation of the modbus slave you will be using.

3.2.5. Changelog#

  • itom setup 1.2.0: Release