3.3. QuantumComposer






licensed under LGPL


Some words about supported operating systems


Some words about supported devices


Johann Krauter

3.3.1. Overview

QuantumComposer is an itom-plugin to communicate with the pulse generator 9520 series.

This plugin has been developed for the 9520 series via a RS232 interface. So you first have to create an instance of the SerialIO plugin which is a mandatory input argument of the QuantumComposer plugin. The plugin sets the right RS232 parameter during initialization.

The default parameters are:

Baud Rate

38400 (default for USB), 115200 (default for RS232)

Data Bits




Stop bits





Disable Echo of the system settings!

3.3.2. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • serialIOInstance: Union[itom.dataIO, itom.actuator]

    An opened serial port.

    Only plugin “SerialIO” is allowed

  • connection: str, optional

    Type of connection (‘USB’, ‘RS232’). The Baud Rate for the USB connection will be set to 38400 and for RS232 to 115200.

    Match: [“USB”, “RS232”], Default: “USB”

3.3.3. Parameters

These parameters are available and can be used to configure the QuantumComposer instance. Many of them are directly initialized by the parameters of the constructor. During the runtime of an instance, the value of these parameters is obtained by the method getParam, writeable parameters can be changed using setParam.

amplitudesList: Sequence[float]

List of amplitude levels to set to the channels listed in the parameter channelIndexList. List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value range: [2:0.01:20], Default: [-1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000]

burstCounter: int

Number of pulses to generate in the burst mode.

Value range: [1, 9999999], Default: 4

channelBurstCounterList: Sequence[int]

List of burst counter values for the given channels (1 - 9999999). List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value range: [1, 9999999], Default: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

channelGateLogicList: Sequence[str]

List of channel gate logic level (LOW, HIGH).

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value rules: Match: [“LOW”, “HIGH”], Default: [LOW, HIGH]

channelGateModeList: Sequence[str]

List of channel gate modes (DIS = disable, PULS = pulse inhibit, OUTP = output inhibit).

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value rules: Match: [“DIS”, “PULS”, “OUTP”], Default: [DIS, PULS, OUTP]

channelModesList: Sequence[str]

List of channel modes which are set to the output for the given channels (NORM = normal, SING = single shot, BURS = burst, DCYC = duty cycle).

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value rules: Match: [“NORM”, “SING”, “BURS”, “DCYC”], Default: [NORM, SING, BURS, DCYC]

channelOffCounterList: Sequence[int]

List of pulse counter values to inhibit during the OFF cycle of the duty cycle mode for the given channels (1 - 9999999). List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value range: [1, 9999999], Default: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

channelPulseCounterList: Sequence[int]

List of pulse counter values to generate during the ON cycle of the duty cycle mode for the given channels (1 - 9999999). List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value range: [1, 9999999], Default: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

channelPulseWaitCounterList: Sequence[int]

List of pulse counter values to wait until enabling output of the duty cycle mode for the given channels (0 - 9999999). List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value range: [0, 9999999], Default: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

counterCounts: int, read-only

Number of counts.

Value range: [0, inf], Default: 4

counterState: int

Enables (1), disables(0) the counter function.

Value range: [0, 1], Default: 0

delaysList: Sequence[float]

List of delays to set to the channels listed in the parameter channelIndexList. List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value range: [-1000, 1000], Default: [-1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000]

gateLevel: float

Gate threshold in units of V with a range of 0.20V to 15.0V.

Value range: [0.2:0.01:15], Default: 2.5

gateLogic: str

Gate logic level (LOW, HIGH).

Match: [“LOW”, “HIGH”], Default: “LOW”

gateMode: str

Global gate mode of the system output. (DIS: diabled, PULS: pulse inhibit, OUTP: output inhibit, CHAN: channel).cycle).

Match: [“DIS”, “PULS”, “OUTP”, “CHAN”], Default: “DIS”

icLock: str

Source for the internal rate generator. System clock or external source ranging from 10MHz to 100MHz (SYS, EXT10, EXT20, EXT25, EXT40, EXT50, EXT80, EXT100).

Match: [“SYS”, “EXT10”, “EXT20”, “EXT25”, “EXT40”, “EXT50”, “EXT80”, “EXT100”], Default: “SYS”

manufacturer: str, read-only

Manufacturer identification.

Match: “Device parameter”, Default: “QC”

mode: str

Mode of the system output. (NORM: normal, SING: single shot, BURS: burst, DCYC: duty cycle).

Match: [“NORM”, “SING”, “BURS”, “DCYC”], Default: “NORM”

model: str, read-only

Model identification.

Match: “Device parameter”, Default: “9528”

muxsList: Sequence[int]

List of timers which are enabled as output for the given channel. List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value range: [0, 255], Default: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

name: str, read-only

Plugin name.

Match: “General”, Default: “QuantumComposer”

ocLock: str

External clock output. T0 pulse or 50% duty cycle TTL output from 10MHz to 100MHz (T0, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, 25, 33, 50, 100).

Match: [“T0”, “10”, “11”, “12”, “14”, “16”, “20”, “25”, “33”, “50”, “100”], Default: “T0”

offCounter: int

Number of pulses to inhibit output during the off cycle of the Duty Cycle mode.

Value range: [1, 9999999], Default: 2

outputModesList: Sequence[str]

List of output modes which are set to the output for the given channels (TTL = TTL/CMOS, ADJ = adjustable).

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value rules: Match: [“TTL”, “ADJ”], Default: [TTL, ADJ]

period: float

T0 period in units of seconds (100ns - 5000s).

Value range: [6e-08:1e-08:5000], Default: 0.0001

polaritiesList: Sequence[str]

List of polarities which are set to the output for the given channels (NORM = normal, COMP = complement, INV = inverted).

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value rules: Match: [“NORM”, “COMP”, “INV”], Default: [NORM, COMP, INV]

pulseCounter: int

Number of pulses to inhibit output during the off cycle of the Duty Cycle mode.

Value range: [1, 9999999], Default: 3

requestTimeout: int

Request timeout in ms for the SerialIO interface.

Value range: [0, inf], Default: 500

serialNumber: str, read-only

Serial number.

Match: “Device parameter”, Default: “06312”

state: int

Enables (1), disables (0) the output for all channels. Command is the same as pressing the RUN/STOP button.

Value range: [0, 1], Default: 1

statesList: Sequence[int]

List of states to enalbe/disable channels listed in the parameter channelIndexList. List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value range: [0, 1], Default: [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

syncsList: Sequence[int]

List of channels to sync with the channels listed in the parameter channelIndexList. List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value range: [1, 8], Default: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

triggerEdge: str

Trigger edge to use as the trigger signal (RIS: rising, FALL: falling).

Match: [“RIS”, “FALL”], Default: “RIS”

triggerLevel: float

Trigger threshold in units of V with a range of 0.20V to 15.0V.

Value range: [0.2:0.01:15], Default: 2.5

triggerMode: str

Trigger mode (DIS: disabled, TRIG: triggered, enabled).

Match: [“DIS”, “TRIG”], Default: “DIS”

version: str, read-only

Version number.

Match: “Device parameter”, Default: “2.4.3-2.0.11”

widthsList: Sequence[float]

List of widths to set to the channels listed in the parameter channelIndexList. List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

Allowed number of values: 1 - 8, Value range: [2e-09, 1000], Default: [2e-09, 2e-09, 2e-09, 2e-09, 2e-09, 2e-09, 2e-09, 2e-09]

3.3.4. Additional functions (exec functions)

By using the following execFunctions you set the channels parameter by giving a list of channel number and a list of parameter values of same list length. The plugin execFunctions are:

instance.exec('setChannelAdjustableAmplitude', channelIndexList, amplitudesList)

Set the adjustable amplitude of channel output level of the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • amplitudesList (Sequence[float]) – List of amplitude levels to set to the channels listed in the parameter channelIndexList. List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

instance.exec('setChannelBurstCounter', channelIndexList, channelBurstCounterList)

Set the channel burst counter for the burst mode of the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • channelBurstCounterList (Sequence[int]) – List of burst counter values for the given channels (1 - 9999999). List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

instance.exec('setChannelDelays', channelIndexList, delaysList)

Set the pulse delays of the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • delaysList (Sequence[float]) – List of delays to set to the channels listed in the parameter channelIndexList. List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

instance.exec('setChannelGatesLogicLevel', channelIndexList, channelGateLogicList)

Set the channel gates logic level of the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • channelGateLogicList (Sequence[str]) – List of channel gate logic level (LOW, HIGH).

instance.exec('setChannelGatesModes', channelIndexList, channelGateModeList)

Set the channel gates mode of the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • channelGateModeList (Sequence[str]) – List of channel gate modes (DIS = disable, PULS = pulse inhibit, OUTP = output inhibit).

instance.exec('setChannelModes', channelIndexList, channelModesList)

Set the channel mode of the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • channelModesList (Sequence[str]) – List of channel modes which are set to the output for the given channels (NORM = normal, SING = single shot, BURS = burst, DCYC = duty cycle).

instance.exec('setChannelMuxs', channelIndexList, muxsList)

Set which timers are enabled as output for the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • muxsList (Sequence[int]) – List of timers which are enabled as output for the given channel. List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

instance.exec('setChannelOffCounter', channelIndexList, channelOffCounterList)

Set the channel pulse counter during the OFF cycles for the duty cycle modes of the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • channelOffCounterList – List of pulse counter values to inhibit during the OFF cycle of the duty cycle mode for the given channels (1 - 9999999). List must have the same length as the parame

… ter channelIndexList.
type channelOffCounterList


instance.exec('setChannelOutputModes', channelIndexList, outputModesList)

Set the output amplitude mode of the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • outputModesList (Sequence[str]) – List of output modes which are set to the output for the given channels (TTL = TTL/CMOS, ADJ = adjustable).

instance.exec('setChannelOutputState', channelIndexList, statesList)

Enables/Disables the output state of the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • statesList (Sequence[int]) – List of states to enalbe/disable channels listed in the parameter channelIndexList. List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

instance.exec('setChannelPolarities', channelIndexList, polaritiesList)

Set the polarity of the pulse for the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • polaritiesList (Sequence[str]) – List of polarities which are set to the output for the given channels (NORM = normal, COMP = complement, INV = inverted).

instance.exec('setChannelPulseCounter', channelIndexList, channelPulseCounterList)

Set the channel pulse counter during the ON cycles for the duty cycle modes of the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • channelPulseCounterList – List of pulse counter values to generate during the ON cycle of the duty cycle mode for the given channels (1 - 9999999). List must have the same length as the para

… meter channelIndexList.
type channelPulseCounterList


instance.exec('setChannelSyncs', channelIndexList, syncsList)

Set the sync channels of the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • syncsList (Sequence[int]) – List of channels to sync with the channels listed in the parameter channelIndexList. List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

instance.exec('setChannelWaitCounter', channelIndexList, channelPulseWaitCounterList)

Set the channel pulse counter to wait until enabling output for the duty cycle modes of the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • channelPulseWaitCounterList – List of pulse counter values to wait until enabling output of the duty cycle mode for the given channels (0 - 9999999). List must have the same length as the pa

… rameter channelIndexList.
type channelPulseWaitCounterList


instance.exec('setChannelWidths', channelIndexList, widthsList)

Set the pulse width of the given channels.

  • channelIndexList (Sequence[int]) – List of channel indices which output should be enabled/disabled (ChA = 1, ChB = 2, …).

  • widthsList (Sequence[float]) – List of widths to set to the channels listed in the parameter channelIndexList. List must have the same length as the parameter channelIndexList.

3.3.5. Exemplary usage from Python

In the following examples, it is shown how to use this Plugin.

from itom import dataIO

serial = dataIO("SerialIO", 5, 38400, "\r\n")  # first create a "SerialIO" instance
qc = dataIO("QuantumComposer", serial, "USB")  # give it the "QuantumComposer" plugin

The system parameter are set/get by the default setParam and getParam methods.

# set
qc.setParam("mode", "BURS")
qc.setParam("gateMode", "PULS")
qc.setParam("triggerEdge", "RIS")
qc.setParam("triggerLevel", 10.0)
qc.setParam("gateLogic", "LOW")
qc.setParam("gateLevel", 15.0)
qc.setParam("triggerMode", "DIS")
qc.setParam("state", 1)
qc.setParam("burstCounter", 100)
qc.setParam("pulseCounter", 3453)
qc.setParam("offCounter", 75645)
qc.setParam("icLock", "SYS")
qc.setParam("ocLock", "16")
qc.setParam("period", 6e-7)
qc.setParam("counterState", 0)

# get
# ...

The channel specific parameter are set by the exec method of the plugin. For each parameter you must give the method a list of channels you want to change and a list of values of same list length.

# set
qc.exec("setChannelWidths", [1, 2], [0.000000002, 0.000000002])
qc.exec("setChannelDelays", [1], [0.000002])
qc.exec("setChannelSyncs", [1,2], [5, 6])
qc.exec("setChannelMuxs", [1,2], [25, 255])
qc.exec("setChannelPolarities", [1,2, 3], ["NORM","COMP", "INV"])
qc.exec("setChannelOutputModes", [1,2, 3], ["TTL", "ADJ", "TTL"])
qc.exec("setChannelAdjustableAmplitude", [1,2, 3], [2.2, 4.3, 13.8])
qc.exec("setChannelModes", [1,2, 3], ["SING", "BURS", "DCYC"])
qc.exec("setChannelBurstCounter", [1,2, 3], [99, 99,99])
qc.exec("setChannelPulseCounter", [1,2, 3], [99, 99,99])
qc.exec("setChannelOffCounter", [1,2, 3], [99, 99,99])
qc.exec("setChannelWaitCounter", [1,2, 3], [99, 99,99])
qc.exec("setChannelGatesModes", [1,2, 3], ["DIS", "PULS", "OUTP"])
qc.exec("setChannelGatesLogicLevel", [1,2, 3], ["LOW", "HIGH", "LOW"])

The channel specific parameter are get by the getParam method, too.

3.3.6. Changelog