3.10. GWInstekPSP


Controller for power supplies PSP-405, PSP-603 and PSP-2010 of GWInstek




Licensed under LGPL


Windows, Linux


Power supplies PSP-405, PSP-603, PSP-2010 of company GWInstek


H. Bieger, M. Gronle, ITO, University Stuttgart


Plugin SerialIO

3.10.1. Overview

This itom-plugin allows communicating with power supplies PSP-405, PSP-603 and PSP-2010 (tested with PSP-405) of company GWInstek. Therefore an opened connected via the serial port (using the plugin ‘SerialIO’) is required. You need to give a valid handle to this instance when initializing this plugin.

3.10.2. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • serial: Union[itom.dataIO, itom.actuator]

    An initialized SerialIO

    Only plugin “SerialIO” is allowed

  • save: int, optional

    Save the present status to the EEPROM

    Value range: [0, 1], Default: 1

3.10.3. Parameters

An instance of this plugin has the following internal parameters:

name: {str}, read-only


status: {str}, read-only

Current status string of controller

voltage: {float}

Output voltage; the unit: V

current: {float}, read-only

Output current; the unit: A

load: {float}, read-only

Output load; the unit: W

voltage_limit: {float}

Output voltage limit; the unit: V

current_limit: {float}

Output current limit; the unit: A

load_limit: {float}

Output load limit; the unit: W

save: {int}

Save the present status to the EEPROM on exit

relay: {int}

Relay status 0: off, 1: on

temperature: {int}, read-only

Temperature status 0: normal, 1: overheat

wheel: {int}

Wheel knob 0: normal, 1: fine

wheel_lock: {int}, read-only

Wheel knob 0: lock, 1: unlock

remote: {int}, read-only

Remote status 0: normal, 1: remote

lock: {int}, read-only

Lock status 0: lock, 1: unlock