►Ncv | |
CDataType< ito::AlphaChannel > | |
CDataType< ito::BlueChannel > | |
CDataType< ito::DateTime > | |
CDataType< ito::GreenChannel > | |
CDataType< ito::RedChannel > | |
CDataType< ito::Rgba32 > | |
CDataType< ito::TimeDelta > | |
►Nito | |
►NUtils | |
CParenthesisInfo | |
CTextBlockHelper | |
CAbstractAddInConfigDialog | Abstract base class for configuration dialogs of plugins |
CAbstractAddInConfigDialogPrivate | |
CAbstractAddInDockWidget | Abstract base class for dock widgets (toolboxes) of plugins |
CAbstractAddInDockWidgetPrivate | |
CAbstractApiWidget | |
CAbstractApiWidgetPrivate | |
CAbstractCodeEditorWidget | |
CAbstractDObjFigure | |
CAbstractDObjPclFigure | |
►CAbstractDockWidget | Abstract dock widget class which inherits QDockWidget. The content of QDockWidget consists of an instance of QMainWindow. The real widget is then placed as central widget of this QMainWindow. QMainWindow has the ability to show a menubar as well as a toolbar, which is used in different versions depending on docked state. Inherit AbstractDockWidget in order to realize content of QMainWindow |
CToolbar | |
►CAbstractFigure | |
CToolBarItem | |
CToolboxItem | |
CAbstractFigurePrivate | |
CAbstractFilterDialog | |
CAbstractItomDesignerPlugin | |
CAbstractNode | Every plot designer plugin in itom, that should be able to open dependent sub-plots (e.g. a 1d line cut is a subplot of its 2d parent plot), must be inherited from this class AbstractNode. However, AbstractNode is no widget class of Qt. Therefore it is also possible to create non-visible classes derived from AbstractNode. This allows creating a directed net of nodes where changes of some input parameters are propagated through all relevant sub-nodes |
CAbstractNodePrivate | |
CAbstractParamPropertyManager | |
►CAbstractParamPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CAbstractPropertyPageWidget | |
CActuatorThreadCtrl | Helper class to give plugin developers an easy access to actuators in other threads |
CAddInActuator | Base class for all actuator plugin classes |
CAddInActuatorPrivate | |
►CAddInAlgo | Base class for all "algorithm" plugin classes |
CAlgoWidgetDef | Container for publishing widgets provided by any plugin |
CFilterDef | Container for publishing filters provided by any plugin |
CFilterDefExt | Extended FilterDef (derived from FilterDef) with a filterFunc of type f_filterExt instead of t_filter. This method has an additional argument of type FunctionCancellationAndObserver |
CAddInAlgoPrivate | |
►CAddInBase | Base class for all plugins |
CAddInRef | |
CAddInBasePrivate | |
CAddInDataIO | Base class for all dataIO plugin classes |
CAddInDataIOPrivate | |
CAddInGrabber | Inherit from AddInGrabber if you write a camera/grabber plugin. Please call the constructor of AddInGrabber within your plugin constructor |
CAddInGrabberPrivate | |
CAddInInterfaceBase | Forward declaration to private container class of AddInAlog |
CAddInInterfaceBasePrivate | |
CAddInManager | Class for AddIn management |
CAddInManagerPrivate | |
CAIManagerWidget | |
CAlgoInterfaceValidator | The class AlgoInterfaceValidator provides validators and checks in order to verify that a certain filter or algoWidget that pretends to implement a certain interface really fits to the requirements and conditions of this interface |
►CAlgoInterfaceValidatorPrivate | |
CAlgoInterface | |
CApiFunctions | |
CapiFunctionsGraph | |
►CAppManagement | < AppManagement (in order to provide access to basic organizers, managers and other main components to every instance |
CTimeouts | |
CAutoIndentMode | |
CAutoInterval | Class for a interval type containing a min-max-range and an auto-flag |
CAutoIntervalProperty | |
CBookmarkDockWidget | Provides the bookmark toolbox which is mainly a view of the BookmarkModel |
CBookmarkItem | Item of BookmarkModel |
CBookmarkModel | Model for management of all bookmarks. This model will be displayed by a viewer-widget in the main window |
CBreakPointDockWidget | |
CBreakPointItem | Item of BreakPointModel |
CBreakPointModel | Model for management of all breakpoints. This model will be displayed by a viewer-widget in the main window |
CBreakpointPanel | |
►CByteArray | This is a Qt-free class for byte arrays (strings) without specific encoding information |
CData | Basic data container for class ByteArray that is implicitly shared over multiple instances of ByteArray of the same content |
CCallStackDockWidget | Docking |
CCalltipRunnable | < runnable that executes a calltip call to Jedi by the thread pool of Python Jedi Runner |
CCaretLineHighlighterMode | |
CChannel | A channel defines a propagation pipeline between two parameters of two nodes. The nodes are instances of the class AbstractNode, which is for instance a base class of AbstractFigure, and therefore each plot designer plugin in itom |
CChannelPrivate | |
CCharArrayMeta | Meta-information for Param of type CharArrayMeta |
CCharBasedFoldDetector | |
CCharBasedFoldDetectorPrivate | |
CCharMeta | Meta-information for Param of type Char |
CCheckerBookmarkPanel | |
CClassInfoContainer | |
CCodeCheckerItem | |
CCodeCompletionMode | |
►CCodeEditor | |
CCursorPosition | |
CFindOptions | |
CCodeEditorStyle | |
CColCurve | |
CCompatHelper | |
CCompletionRunnable | < runnable that executes a completion call to Jedi by the thread pool of Python Jedi Runner |
Ccomplex128_ | Union for the internal parameter value of class ParamBase |
►CConsoleWidget | |
CCmdQueueItem | |
CInputTextMode | |
CStreamBuffer | |
CDataIOThreadCtrl | Helper class to give plugin developers an easy access to cameras in other threads |
►CDataObject | DataObject contains a n-dimensional matrix |
CMSize | |
CDataObjectTagsPrivate | |
CDataObjectTagType | Variant storage class for either a double or a string value |
CDateTime | |
CDelayJobRunner | |
CDelayJobRunnerArgTextBlock | |
CDelayJobRunnerArgTextCursor | |
CDelayJobRunnerBase | |
CDelayJobRunnerGenericArg | |
CDelayJobRunnerNoArgs | |
CDequeCommandList | |
CDesignerWidgetOrganizer | |
CDialogAboutQItom | |
CDialogCloseItom | |
CDialogEditBreakpoint | |
CDialogGoto | |
CDialogHeatmapConfiguration | |
CDialogIconBrowser | |
CDialogLoadedPlugins | |
CDialogNewPluginInstance | |
CDialogOpenFileWithFilter | |
CDialogOpenNewGui | |
CDialogPipManager | |
CDialogPipManagerInstall | |
CDialogPipManagerInstallDefaults | |
CDialogPluginPicker | |
►CDialogProperties | |
CPropertyPage | |
CDialogReloadModule | |
CDialogReplace | |
CDialogSaveFileWithFilter | |
CDialogScriptCharsetEncoding | |
CDialogSelectUser | |
CDialogSnapshot | |
CDialogTimerManager | |
CDialogUserManagement | |
CDialogUserManagementEdit | |
CDialogVariableDetail | |
CDialogVariableDetailDataObject | |
CDObjConstIterator | Constant iterator through data object |
CDObjIterator | Iterator through data object |
CDObjMeta | Meta-information for Param of type DObjPtr |
CDoubleArrayMeta | Meta-information for Param of type DoubleArrayMeta |
CDoubleIntervalMeta | Meta-information for Param of type DoubleIntervalMeta |
CDoubleMeta | Meta-information for ito::Param of type Double |
CErrorLineHighlighterMode | |
CExecFuncParams | |
CExtendedDataObjectTable | |
CFctCallParamContainer | Each instance of this class contains the parameters (including return parameter) for any function call, which is parsed by the Qt-signal-slot system. This class is especially used for wrapping function calls between C++ and any python method. The convention for the main member variables corresponds to the usual Qt-way to wrap such function calls |
CFigureCategory | |
CFigurePlugin | |
CFigurePluginDelegate | |
CFigureWidget | |
CFileRenameItem | |
CFileSystemDockWidget | |
CFilterParams | |
CFoldDetector | |
CFoldDetectorPrivate | |
CFoldingPanel | |
CFoldScope | |
CFunctionCancellationAndObserver | This class can be passed to a long running method (e.g. as QSharedPointer instance) for two reasons: |
CFunctionCancellationAndObserverPrivate | |
CFuncWeakRef | |
CGetHelpRunnable | < runnable that executes a calltip call to Jedi by the thread pool of Python Jedi Runner |
►CGlobalCheckerPanel | |
CCheckerItem | |
CGoBackNavigationItem | |
CGoToAssignmentRunnable | < runnable that executes a goto definition / assignment call to Jedi by the thread pool of Python Jedi Runner |
CGuiHelper | |
CHelpDockWidget | |
►CHelpSystem | |
CHelpSystemSingleton | |
CHelpTreeDockWidget | |
CHtmlItemDelegate | |
CHWMeta | Meta-information for Param of type HWPtr |
CIndenterMode | |
CIndentFoldDetector | |
CIntArrayMeta | |
CIntervalMeta | Meta-information for Param of type IntArrayMeta that represent an interval [minimum, maximum) |
CIntMeta | Meta-information for Param of type Int |
►CIOHelper | This class contains several static methods to load or save various file formats |
CCharsetEncodingItem | |
CItomEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CItomFileSystemModel | Instead of the default QFileSystemModel, this model is able to provide a more flexible support for drop or paste operations if the destination file already exists. If the file should be duplicated (from one folder to the same folder), a (copy)-suffix is appended to the base-filename. If the source is another directory, but the file has the same name, the user is prompted if he wants to overwrite the source file or not |
CItomPalette | |
CItomPaletteBase | |
CItomParamHelper | < |
CItomParamHelper< char > | |
CItomParamHelper< complex128 > | |
CItomParamHelper< float64 > | |
CItomParamHelper< int32 > | |
CItomParamHelper< int8 > | |
CItomPlotHandle | Class for a interval type containing the plot handle / unique id and name |
CItomSpinBox | |
CJediAssignment | |
CJediAssignmentRequest | |
CJediCalltip | |
CJediCalltipRequest | |
CJediCompletion | |
CJediCompletionRequest | |
CJediGetHelp | |
CJediGetHelpRequest | |
CJediRename | |
CJediRenameRequest | |
CJediRunnable | < base class for all runnables, that are executed with PythonJediRunner |
CLastCommandDockWidget | |
CLastCommandTreeWidget | |
CLeafFilterProxyModel | This class provides a special search function to the help model. The normal filtermodel hides nodes if they don't contain the searched term, even though the children contain it |
CLineBackgroundMarkerMode | |
CLineEditDelegate | Declaration of delegate class |
CLineNumberPanel | |
CListMeta | Additional base class for all list or array meta information |
CLogger | Writes a log file |
CMainApplication | Basic management class for the entire application |
CMainWindow | |
CManager | |
CMenuOnlyForEnter | |
CMethodDescription | Small wrapper class with all necessary information for any method, signal or slot of class which should be inherited from QObject* |
CMode | |
CModesManager | |
COccurrencesHighlighterMode | |
COutlineItem | |
►COutlineSelectorWidget | Framless dialog, shown as popup over a script editor, to display the outline |
CEditorOutline | |
CPaletteOrganizer | |
CPanel | |
►CPanelsManager | |
CZoneItems | |
►CParam | Class for parameter handling e.g. to pass parameters to plugins |
CMetaShared | < struct for the shared container for meta information shared meta information object |
►CParamBase | < |
CData | < struct used as shared memory of ParamBase shared data container |
CParamBaseData | |
CParamCharArrayPropertyManager | |
CParamCharArrayPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CParamCharPropertyFactory | |
CParamCharPropertyFactoryPrivate | |
CParamCharPropertyManager | |
CParamCharWidget | |
CParamCharWidgetPrivate | |
CParamDoubleArrayPropertyManager | |
CParamDoubleArrayPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CParamDoublePropertyFactory | QSpinBox widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects |
CParamDoublePropertyFactoryPrivate | |
CParamDoublePropertyManager | |
CParamDoubleWidget | |
CParamDoubleWidgetPrivate | |
CParamHelper | |
CParamInputDialog | |
CParamInputParser | |
CParamIntArrayPropertyManager | |
CParamIntArrayPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CParamIntervalPropertyFactory | RangeWidget widgets for properties created by ParamIntervalPropertyManager objects |
CParamIntervalPropertyFactoryPrivate | |
CParamIntervalPropertyManager | |
CParamIntPropertyFactory | |
CParamIntPropertyFactoryPrivate | |
CParamIntPropertyManager | |
CParamIntWidget | |
CParamIntWidgetPrivate | |
CParamMeta | Base class for all meta-information classes |
CParamOtherPropertyManager | |
CParamRectPropertyManager | |
CParamRectPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CParamStringListPropertyManager | |
CParamStringListPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CParamStringPropertyFactory | QLineEdit widgets for properties created by ParamStringPropertyManager objects |
CParamStringPropertyFactoryPrivate | |
CParamStringPropertyManager | |
CParamStringWidget | |
CParamStringWidgetPrivate | |
CPCLPoint | Generic class that covers one single point of different possible types provided by the Point Cloud Library (PCL) |
CPCLPointCloud | Generic class that covers one single point cloud of different possible types provided by the Point Cloud Library (PCL) |
CPCLPolygonMesh | Generic class that covers a shared pointer to pcl::PolygonMesh that is a class for a polygonal mesh provided by the point cloud library (PCL) |
CPickerSortFilterProxyModel | |
CPipGeneralOptions | |
CPipInstall | |
CPipManager | |
CPluginInfo | |
CPluginLoadStatus | This struct provides a structure for saving the load status of any plugins or designerWidgets |
CPlugInModel | Class for visualizing the available (loaded) plugins |
CPlugInModelPrivate | |
CPluginThreadCtrl | Base class for DataIOThreadCtrl and ActuatorThreadCtrl |
CProcessOrganizer | |
CPropertyEditorWindow | |
CPyAssignment | |
CPyAutoIndentMode | |
CPyCalltipsMode | |
CPyCMap | < the following map translates Qt/C++ datatypes into their Python representations. This is for instance used in the info()-method in Python to show the user the Python syntax |
CPyCodeFormatter | |
►CPyCodeReferenceRenamer | |
CRenameItem | |
►CPyDocstringGeneratorMode | |
CArgInfo | |
CFunctionInfo | |
CPyGotoAssignmentMode | |
►CPyStream | Static class which implements a new python type. The members cout and cerr of the python system are set to variables of this type PyStream in order to observe the python's cout and cerr stream and to transmit the stream's content to the main application |
CPythonStream | |
►CPythonAlgorithms | |
CPyAlgorithm | PyAlgorithm is a thin wrapper class for calling any itom algorithm, defined in an algo plugin |
►CPythonAutoInterval | |
CPyAutoInterval | |
CPythonCommon | |
►CPythonDataObject | |
CPyDataObject | |
CPyDataObjectIter | |
CPyDataObjectTypes | |
CPythonDateTime | |
►CPythonEngine | |
CAutoReload | |
CCodeCheckerOptions | |
CPythonWorkspaceUpdateQueue | |
►CPythonFigure | |
CPyFigure | |
►CPythonFont | |
CPyFont | |
CPythonItom | |
CPythonJediRunner | < Thread-safe helper class for PythonEngine to manage calls to the Python Jedi package |
CPythonLogger | Copies python errors to the logger |
CPythonMessageDockWidget | |
CPythonMessageTreeWidget | |
CPythonNone | Empty class that is the QVariant registered type for None in Python. Nothing more than this |
CPythonPackage | |
CPythonParamConversion | Static methods to convert between Python objects and ito::ParamBase |
►CPythonPlotItem | |
CPyPlotItem | |
►CPythonPlugins | Class summing up the functionality of itom - hardware python plugins |
CPyActuatorPlugin | |
CPyDataIOPlugin | |
►CPythonProgressObserver | |
CPyProgressObserver | |
►CPythonProxy | |
CPyProxy | |
CPythonQObjectMarshal | |
CPythonQtConversion | Conversion class with mainly static methods, which convert values between Qt and standard C++ data types and PyObject* values |
CPythonQtSignalMapper | This class provides the possibility to redirect any signal emitted in an user-defined GUI to different python methods |
CPythonQtSignalMapperBase | Base class for PythonQtSignalMapper |
CPythonQtSignalTarget | |
►CPythonRegion | |
CPyRegion | |
►CPythonRgba | |
CPyRgba | |
►CPythonShape | |
CPyShape | |
CPythonSharedPointerGuard | Guard for a shared pointer of a PyObject |
►CPythonStatePublisher | One instance of this class is created by MainApplication::setupApplication and runs in the main thread of itom. Its onPythonStateChanged slot is connected to the pythonStateChanged signal of PythonEngine. Other widgets should rather connect to pythonStateChanged of this class than to the direct signal of PythonEngine. This is mainly for one reason: Whenever a short script is run in Python (not debug), it might be that the execution is so short, that it is a waste of computing resources to switch the GUI to a busy state during this short execution. Therefore, the transition to the run state is signalled by this class with a short delay. Whenever, the 'idle' state is signalled by the PythonEngine before the delay exceeds, nothing is signalled by this class. This only holds for this transition. All other python state transitions are immediately reported to all connected classes |
CDelayedTransition | |
►CPythonSyntaxHighlighter | |
CNamedRegExp | |
►CPythonTimer | |
CPyTimer | |
►CPythonUi | |
CPyUi | |
CPyUiItem | |
CPyWorkspaceContainer | |
CPyWorkspaceItem | Every item in the workspace is represented by one PyWorkspaceItem |
CQDebugStream | |
CQListViewItom | |
CQPropertyHelper | |
CQTableViewItom | |
CQTabWidgetItom | |
CQTreeViewItom | |
CQTreeWidgetItom | |
CQVector2DProperty | |
CQVector3DProperty | |
CQVector4DProperty | |
CRamerDouglasPeuckerData | |
CRange | Each range value has a start and end point. Optionally range can be marked as Range::all(), which indicates a full range |
CRangeMeta | Meta-information for Param of type IntArrayMeta that represent a range [minVal, maxVal] |
CRectMeta | Meta-information for Param of type IntArrayMeta that represent a rectangle (left, top, width, height) |
CRenameRunnable | < runnable that executes a completion call to Jedi by the thread pool of Python Jedi Runner |
CRetVal | Class for managing status values (like errors or warning) |
CRgba32 | This class implements basic functionality for color handling in itom. \detail This class implements ARGB32 into itom. In openCV-mat this will be represented by an 4channel uint8-plane. The functions of this class are inspired by http://virjo.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/SFML_Windows/src/SFML/Graphics/Color.cpp, written by Laurent Gomila (laure.nosp@m.nt.g.nosp@m.om@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com) |
CRgbaBase32 | |
CRGBChannel | |
CScriptDockWidget | Widget containing one or multiple script editors (tabbed). This widget can either be a docking widget, docked in a docking area in the main window or it can be a floatable window which has a standard window behaviour |
CScriptEditorActions | This struct can hold common actions for all script editor and script dock widgets |
CScriptEditorOrganizer | Organizes script editors, independent on their appearance (docked or window-style) |
CScriptEditorPrinter | |
CScriptEditorStorage | |
CScriptEditorWidget | |
CSelectorDelegate | |
CSemVerVersion | Version string parsing and comparison based on semantic versioning |
CShape | |
CShapeDObject | |
CShapePrivate | |
CShortcutAction | |
CStringListMeta | Meta-information for Param of type STringListMeta |
CStringMeta | Meta-information for Param of type String |
CStringMetaPrivate | |
CStyleItem | |
CSubsequenceCompleter | |
CSubsequenceSortFilterProxyModel | |
CSymbolMatcherMode | |
CSyntaxHighlighterBase | |
CTabSwitcherWidget | Show tabs in mru order and change between them |
►CTextBlockUserData | |
CAnsiTextCharFormat | |
CTextDecoration | |
CTextDecorationsManager | |
CTextDecorationsSignals | |
CTimeDelta | |
CTimerCallback | |
►CTimerModel | Model for management of all timer objects. This model will be is used as model for the view in the timer manager |
CTimerItem | Item of TimerModel |
CUiContainer | Every instance of this class contains information about one user interface (main window, dialog, dock widget...) which is organized by UiOrganizer |
CUiContainerItem | |
CUiDataContainer | |
CUiOrganizer | The UiOrganizer is started as singleton instance within itom and organizes all main windows, dialogs, widgets,... which are currently loaded at runtime from any ui-file or from a widget, provided by any algorithm plugin |
CUserInfoStruct | |
CUserInteractionWatcher | |
CUserModel | Class for for visualizing the available users |
CUserOrganizer | Class handling users and their rights |
CUserUiDialog | |
CVisibleBlock | |
CWidgetFindWord | |
CWidgetInfoBox | |
CWidgetPropConsoleGeneral | |
CWidgetPropConsoleLastCommand | |
CWidgetPropConsoleWrap | |
CWidgetPropEditorAutoCodeFormat | |
CWidgetPropEditorAutoCompletion | |
CWidgetPropEditorCalltips | |
CWidgetPropEditorCodeCheckers | |
CWidgetPropEditorDocstringGenerator | |
CWidgetPropEditorGeneral | |
CWidgetPropEditorGotoAssignment | |
CWidgetPropEditorScripts | |
►CWidgetPropEditorStyles | |
CStyleNode | |
CWidgetPropFigurePlugins | |
CWidgetPropGeneralApplication | |
CWidgetPropGeneralLanguage | |
CWidgetPropGeneralPlotSettings | |
CWidgetPropGeneralStyles | |
CWidgetPropHelpDock | |
CWidgetPropPalettes | |
CWidgetPropPluginsActuators | |
CWidgetPropPluginsAlgorithms | |
CWidgetPropPythonGeneral | |
CWidgetPropPythonStartup | |
CWidgetPropWorkspaceUnpack | |
CWidgetWrapper | One instance of this class acts as wrapper for several import public methods of classes, derived from QObject, which should be made available by the call-method in python |
CWordClickMode | |
CWordHoverTooltipMode | |
CWorkspaceDockWidget | Docking widget for contents of type workspace widget |
CWorkspaceTreeItem | Tiny derivative of QTreeWidgetItem, that overwrites the comparison operator |
CWorkspaceWidget | Major class WorkspaceWidget to show a tree widget for the global and local workspace toolbox |
CBasePopupWidget | |
CBasePopupWidgetPrivate | |
CBooleanCombo | |
CBrushCreatorButton | |
CbrushCreatorButtonFactory | |
CBrushCreatorButtonPrivate | |
CBrushCreatorDialog | |
CCheckableComboBox | |
CCheckableComboBoxFactory | |
CCheckableComboBoxPrivate | |
CCheckableModelHelper | |
CCheckableModelHelperPrivate | |
CCollapsibleGroupBox | |
CCollapsibleGroupBoxFactory | |
CCollapsibleGroupBoxPrivate | |
CColorCombo | |
CColorDialog | |
CColorDialogPrivate | |
CColorPickerButton | |
CColorPickerButtonFactory | |
CColorPickerButtonPrivate | |
CComboBox | ComboBox is an advanced QComboBox. It adds multiple features: |
CComboBoxDelegate | |
CComboBoxFactory | |
CComboBoxPrivate | |
CCompleter | |
CCompleterPrivate | |
CDataObjectDelegate | |
CDataObjectMetaWidget | |
CDataObjectMetaWidgetFactory | |
CDataObjectModel | |
CDataObjectTable | |
CDataObjectTableFactory | |
►CDataObjectTablePrivate | |
CCellItem | |
CDesignerWidgetOrganizer | |
CDiffEdit | |
CDoubleRangeSlider | |
CDoubleRangeSliderFactory | |
CDoubleRangeSliderPrivate | |
CDoubleRangeWidget | |
CDoubleRangeWidgetFactory | |
CDoubleRangeWidgetPrivate | |
CDoubleSlider | |
CDoubleSliderFactory | |
CDoubleSliderPrivate | |
CDoubleSpinBox | Custom SpinBox The DoubleSpinBox internally uses a QDoubleSpinBox while it retain controls over it |
CDoubleSpinBoxFactory | |
CDoubleSpinBoxPrivate | |
CEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CEnumProperty | |
CFlagsProperty | |
CFontButton | |
CFontButtonFactory | |
CFontButtonPrivate | |
CFontEditor | |
CitomQDoubleSpinBox | |
CItomSharedSemaphore | Semaphore which can be used for asynchronous thread communication. By using this class it is possible to realize timeouts |
CItomSharedSemaphoreLocker | Locker-class for ItomSharedSemaphore. The functionality is equal to QMutexLocker in Qt. ItomSharedSemaphoreLocker is a guard for any ItomSharedSemaphore-pointer. If the variable of type ItomSharedSemaphoreLocker is deleted, e.g. if its containing method runs out of scope, the destructor calls ItomSharedSemaphore::deleteSemaphore(...). This is also the case if you assign another pointer to ItomSharedSemaphore to this locker-instance |
CItomWidgetsFactory | |
CMatchContext | |
CMenuComboBox | |
CMenuComboBoxFactory | |
CMenuComboBoxInternal | |
CMenuComboBoxPrivate | |
CMiddleSnake | |
CMotorAxisController | |
CMotorAxisControllerFactory | |
CMotorAxisControllerPrivate | |
CObjectController | |
CObjectControllerPrivate | |
CParamEditorFactory | |
CParamEditorWidget | |
CParamEditorWidgetPrivate | |
CPathLineEdit | Advanced line edit to select a file or directory |
CPathLineEditFactory | |
CPathLineEditPrivate | |
CPenCreatorButton | |
CPenCreatorButtonFactory | |
CPenCreatorButtonPrivate | |
CPenCreatorDialog | |
CPlotInfoDObject | |
CPlotInfoDObjectFactory | |
CPlotInfoMarker | |
CPlotInfoMarkerFactory | |
CPlotInfoPicker | |
CPlotInfoPickerFactory | |
CPlotInfoShapes | |
CPlotInfoShapesFactory | |
CPopupWidget | |
CPopupWidgetFactory | |
CPopupWidgetPrivate | |
CProperty | |
CPropertyEditorSortFilterProxyModel | |
CPropertyPair | |
CProxyStyle | |
CProxyStylePrivate | |
CPythonLogWidget | |
CPythonLogWidgetFactory | |
CPythonLogWidgetPrivate | |
CqDummyClass | Python |
CQItomApplication | |
CQPropertyEditorWidget | The QPropertyEditorWidget offers an easy to use mechanism to visualize properties of a class inherited from QObject |
CQPropertyEditorWidgetPrivate | |
CQPropertyModel | |
CQtAbstractEditorFactory | The QtAbstractEditorFactory is the base template class for editor factories |
CQtAbstractEditorFactoryBase | The QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase provides an interface for editor factories |
CQtAbstractPropertyBrowser | QtAbstractPropertyBrowser provides a base class for implementing property browsers |
CQtAbstractPropertyBrowserPrivate | |
CQtAbstractPropertyManager | The QtAbstractPropertyManager provides an interface for property managers |
CQtAbstractPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtBoolEdit | |
CQtBoolPropertyManager | And manages boolean properties |
CQtBoolPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtBrowserItem | Property in a property browser instance |
CQtBrowserItemPrivate | |
CQtButtonPropertyBrowser | Drop down QToolButton based property browser |
►CQtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate | |
CWidgetItem | |
CQtCharEdit | |
CQtCharEditorFactory | Editor widgets for properties created by QtCharPropertyManager objects |
CQtCharEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtCharPropertyManager | The QtCharPropertyManager provides and manages QChar properties |
CQtCharPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtCheckBoxFactory | QCheckBox widgets for properties created by QtBoolPropertyManager objects |
CQtCheckBoxFactoryPrivate | |
CQtColorEditorFactory | Color editing for properties created by QtColorPropertyManager objects |
CQtColorEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtColorEditWidget | |
CQtColorPropertyManager | The QtColorPropertyManager provides and manages QColor properties |
CQtColorPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtCursorDatabase | |
CQtCursorEditorFactory | QComboBox widgets for properties created by QtCursorPropertyManager objects |
CQtCursorEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtCursorPropertyManager | The QtCursorPropertyManager provides and manages QCursor properties |
CQtCursorPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtDateEditFactory | QDateEdit widgets for properties created by QtDatePropertyManager objects |
CQtDateEditFactoryPrivate | |
CQtDatePropertyManager | The QtDatePropertyManager provides and manages QDate properties |
►CQtDatePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtDateTimeEditFactory | QDateTimeEdit widgets for properties created by QtDateTimePropertyManager objects |
CQtDateTimeEditFactoryPrivate | |
CQtDateTimePropertyManager | The QtDateTimePropertyManager provides and manages QDateTime properties |
CQtDateTimePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtDoublePropertyManager | The QtDoublePropertyManager provides and manages double properties |
►CQtDoublePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtDoubleSpinBoxFactory | QDoubleSpinBox widgets for properties created by QtDoublePropertyManager objects |
CQtDoubleSpinBoxFactoryPrivate | |
CQtEnumEditorFactory | QComboBox widgets for properties created by QtEnumPropertyManager objects |
CQtEnumEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtEnumPropertyManager | The QtEnumPropertyManager provides and manages enum properties |
►CQtEnumPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtEnumPropertyType | |
CQtFlagPropertyManager | The QtFlagPropertyManager provides and manages flag properties |
►CQtFlagPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtFlagPropertyType | |
CQtFontEditorFactory | Font editing for properties created by QtFontPropertyManager objects |
CQtFontEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtFontEditWidget | |
CQtFontPropertyManager | The QtFontPropertyManager provides and manages QFont properties |
CQtFontPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtGroupBoxPropertyBrowser | QGroupBox based property browser |
►CQtGroupBoxPropertyBrowserPrivate | |
CWidgetItem | |
CQtGroupPropertyManager | The QtGroupPropertyManager provides and manages group properties |
CQtGroupPropertyType | |
CQtIntPropertyManager | The QtIntPropertyManager provides and manages int properties |
►CQtIntPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtKeySequenceEdit | |
CQtKeySequenceEditorFactory | Editor widgets for properties created by QtKeySequencePropertyManager objects |
CQtKeySequenceEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtKeySequencePropertyManager | The QtKeySequencePropertyManager provides and manages QKeySequence properties |
CQtKeySequencePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtLineEditFactory | QLineEdit widgets for properties created by QtStringPropertyManager objects |
CQtLineEditFactoryPrivate | |
CQtLocalePropertyManager | The QtLocalePropertyManager provides and manages QLocale properties |
CQtLocalePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtMarginsPropertyManager | The QtMarginsPropertyManager provides and manages QMargins properties |
►CQtMarginsPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtMetaEnumProvider | |
CQtMetaEnumWrapper | |
CQtPointFPropertyManager | The QtPointFPropertyManager provides and manages QPointF properties |
►CQtPointFPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtPointPropertyManager | The QtPointPropertyManager provides and manages QPoint properties |
CQtPointPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtProperty | Encapsulates an instance of a property |
CQtPropertyBrowserUtils | |
CQtPropertyEditorDelegate | |
CQtPropertyEditorView | |
CQtPropertyPrivate | |
CQtRectFPropertyManager | The QtRectFPropertyManager provides and manages QRectF properties |
►CQtRectFPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtRectPropertyManager | The QtRectPropertyManager provides and manages QRect properties |
►CQtRectPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtScrollBarFactory | QScrollBar widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects |
CQtScrollBarFactoryPrivate | |
CQtSizeFPropertyManager | The QtSizeFPropertyManager provides and manages QSizeF properties |
►CQtSizeFPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtSizePolicyPropertyManager | The QtSizePolicyPropertyManager provides and manages QSizePolicy properties |
CQtSizePolicyPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtSizePropertyManager | The QtSizePropertyManager provides and manages QSize properties |
►CQtSizePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtSliderFactory | QSlider widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects |
CQtSliderFactoryPrivate | |
CQtSpinBoxFactory | QSpinBox widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects |
CQtSpinBoxFactoryPrivate | |
CQtStringPropertyManager | The QtStringPropertyManager provides and manages QString properties |
►CQtStringPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtTimeEditFactory | QTimeEdit widgets for properties created by QtTimePropertyManager objects |
CQtTimeEditFactoryPrivate | |
CQtTimePropertyManager | The QtTimePropertyManager provides and manages QTime properties |
CQtTimePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtTreePropertyBrowser | QTreeWidget based property browser |
CQtTreePropertyBrowserPrivate | |
CQtVariantEditorFactory | Widgets for properties created by QtVariantPropertyManager objects |
CQtVariantEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtVariantProperty | Convenience class handling QVariant based properties |
CQtVariantPropertyManager | And manages QVariant based properties |
CQtVariantPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtVariantPropertyPrivate | |
CQVariantDelegate | |
CRangeSlider | |
CRangeSliderFactory | |
CRangeSliderPrivate | |
CRangeWidget | |
CRangeWidgetFactory | |
CRangeWidgetPrivate | |
Crelation | |
Crgba32_ | |
CSampleApp | |
CSearchBox | |
CSearchBoxFactory | |
CSearchBoxPrivate | |
CSlider | |
CSliderWidget | |
CSliderWidgetFactory | |
CSliderWidgetPrivate | |
CStatusLed | Round LED-style widget with gradient fill |
CStatusLedFactory | |
CStatusLedPrivate | |
CStringListDialog | |
CStringListEditor | |
CTestClass | |
CTestSubClass | |
CToolTip | |
CToolTipLabel | |
CTreeComboBox | |
CTreeComboBoxFactory | |
CTreeComboBoxPrivate | |
CUserInfo | Holds the relevant user information |
CValueProxy | Base class for value proxies. Value proxy allows to decouple the displayed value from the values accessed within the program. For example, one may want to display Fahrenheit while still working with Celsius |
CValueProxyPrivate | |
Cvarray | |
CVec3f | |
CVec3fProperty | |