Click here to download the full example code Cloud viewerΒΆ
import numpy as np
from itom import pointCloud
from itom import polygonMesh
from itom import ui
from itom import dataObject
from itom import pointCloud
except Exception as ex:
"PointCloud missing",
"your itom version is compiled without support of pointClouds",
raise ex
Create a data objects with X, Y and Z values of a topography as well as a 2.5D topography in terms of a data object.
[X, Y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, 5, 0.1), np.arange(0, 5, 0.1))
Z = np.sin(X * 2) + np.cos(Y * 0.5)
I = np.random.rand(*X.shape) # further intensity
C = dataObject.randN(
[X.shape[0], X.shape[1]], "rgba32"
) # further color information
topography = dataObject(Z).astype("float32")
topography.axisScales = (0.1, 0.1)
topography[0, 0] = float("nan")
Create a point cloud from the X, Y and Z arrays with further intensity information.
cloud1 = pointCloud.fromXYZI(X, Y, Z, I)
Create a point cloud from the topography image with further colour information.
cloud2 = pointCloud.fromTopography(topography, color=C)
Create a point cloud from the X, Y and Z arrays with further colour information.
cloud3 = pointCloud.fromXYZRGBA(X, Y, Z, C)
Create a point cloud from the X, Y and Z arrays with the Z-values as intensity information.
cloud4 = pointCloud.fromXYZI(X, Y, Z - 0.1, Z)
Manually create triangular polygons for the whole surface the polygons are regularly distributed and each rectangle is divided into two polygons.
polygons = dataObject.zeros([2 * 49 * 49, 3], "uint16")
c = 0
for row in range(0, 49):
for col in range(0, 49):
polygons[c, 0] = row * 50 + col
polygons[c, 1] = (row + 1) * 50 + col
polygons[c, 2] = row * 50 + 1 + col
c += 1
for row in range(0, 49):
for col in range(0, 49):
polygons[c, 0] = (row + 1) * 50 + col
polygons[c, 1] = (row + 1) * 50 + col + 1
polygons[c, 2] = row * 50 + col + 1
c += 1
Create polygonal mesh structure from cloud3 and polygons.
mesh = polygonMesh.fromCloudAndPolygons(cloud3, polygons)
As alternative approach you can directly create the same polygonal mesh from the point cloud if you know that the point cloud is organized, hence, the points are located like in a regular grid.
mesh2 = polygonMesh.fromOrganizedCloud(cloud2)
Create GUI (3D Viewer)
gui = ui("cloudViewer.ui", ui.TYPEWINDOW)
"addPointCloud", cloud4, "cloud4"
) # visualize cloud4 under the name 'cloud4'
"setItemProperty", "cloud4", "PointSize", 10
) # change the property PointSize of this point
"addMesh", mesh2, "mesh2"
) # visualize the mesh2 under the name 'mesh2'
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.783 seconds)