Go to the end to download the full example code. Embedded plots#
This script shows how to use embedded static line plots in itom
in a single GUI.
The z-slicing tool will display its line output in a 1D
line plot below the 2D
plot (becomes visible then). The line cut tool will open a new 1D
line plot.
from itom import dataObject
from itomUi import ItomUi
from itom import ui
class EmbeddedPlots(ItomUi):
def __init__(self, dataObj: dataObject):
uiFile = r"embedded2DwLinePlot.ui"
self.gui.plot2D["source"] = dataObj
def show(self, modalLevel=0):
def on_radioNothing_toggled(self, checked: bool):
if checked:
self.gui.plot2D["lineCutPlotItem"] = None
self.gui.plot2D["zSlicePlotItem"] = None
self.gui.group1D["enabled"] = False
self.gui.plot1D["source"] = dataObject()
def on_radioZCut_toggled(self, checked: bool):
if checked:
self.gui.plot2D["lineCutPlotItem"] = None
self.gui.plot2D["zSlicePlotItem"] = self.gui.plot1D
self.gui.group1D["enabled"] = True
def on_radioLineCut_toggled(self, checked: bool):
if checked:
# if the same plot is used for different sub-plots, invalidate one type at first
# before you assign the new one
self.gui.plot2D["zSlicePlotItem"] = None # invalidating
self.gui.plot2D["lineCutPlotItem"] = self.gui.plot1D # assigning new one
self.gui.group1D["enabled"] = True
def createSampleObject():
tempData = dataObject.randN([10, 50, 50], "float32") * 100
for i in range(0, tempData.shape[0]):
# tempData[i, :, :] += i - tempData.shape[0] / 20
tempData[i, :, 25:50] += 200
return tempData
if __name__ == "__main__":
modeID = 1 # use 0 for lateral slice example or 1 for zSlice example
win = EmbeddedPlots(createSampleObject())
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.069 seconds)