Go to the end to download the full example code. Window#
Window is a stand-alone window. The window is only hidden if the user closes it. Call show again to re-show it. It is only deleted, if the window variable is deleted.
from itom import ui
window = ui("mainWindow.ui", ui.TYPEWINDOW)
Window_destroy is a stand-alone window, that is deleted if the user closes it, not only hidden”””
def window_destroyed():
print("window_destroy destroyed")
window_destroy = ui("mainWindow.ui", ui.TYPEWINDOW, deleteOnClose=True)
# deleteOnClose can also be set or unset using setAttribute
print("state of deleteOnClose flag:", window_destroy.getAttribute(55))
window_destroy.setAttribute(55, True)
window_destroy["windowTitle"] = (
"Self-destroyable main window" # change title of main window
window_destroy.connect("destroyed()", window_destroyed)
state of deleteOnClose flag: True
Window_no_child is a stand-alone window that is no child of the main window with own symbol in the task bar
window_no_child = ui("mainWindow.ui", ui.TYPEWINDOW, childOfMainWindow=False)
window_no_child["windowTitle"] = (
"Stand-alone main window" # change title of main window
Widget_window is a stand-alone window obtained from a widget that was created in QtDesigner.
widget_window = ui("widget.ui", ui.TYPEWINDOW)
Configure a window to not have a maximize button and to always stay on top.
window_on_top = ui("mainWindow.ui", ui.TYPEWINDOW)
window_on_top["windowTitle"] = "On-top window" # change title of main window
# 0x00040000 is the flag Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint and needs to be added if not yet done (or)
# 0x00008000 is the flag Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint and needs to be removed if not yet done (xor)
window_on_top.setWindowFlags((window_on_top.getWindowFlags() | 0x00040000) ^ 0x00008000)
# it is also possible to disable the close button by xor-ing Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint (0x08000000)
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.212 seconds)