2.1. Firgelli LAC






licensed under LGPL




One axis motor controller FirgelliLAC


H. Bieger, M. Gronle, ITO, University Stuttgart

2.1.1. Overview

The plugin implements the controller LAC from Firgelli (http://www.firgelli.com/LAC_Board_p/lac.htm). It is mainly tested with the product version PQ12-SS-GG-VV-P.

FirgelliLAC is an itom-plugin, which can be used to communicate with the Firgelli USB controllers. It has been tested with one connected motor PQ12-SS-GG-VV-P with one axis.

Please indicate the correct working distance of the connected motor (e.g. 20mm) at startup, else the plugin might deliver wrong values. At startup, the motor is always moved to its zero-position in order to be able to subsequently provide right position values. This behaviour is mandatory and cannot be changed (due to the driver of the controller board).

2.1.2. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • spoolMax: float

    Maximum length of spool (mm) [default 20.0 mm]

    Value range: [0, 100000], Default: 20

  • deviceNum: int, optional

    The current number of this specific device, if there are more than one devices connected. (0 = first device)

    Value range: [-1, 127], Default: -1

2.1.3. Parameters

These parameters are available and can be used to configure the Firgelli LAC instance. Many of them are directly initialized by the parameters of the constructor. During the runtime of an instance, the value of these parameters is obtained by the method getParam, writeable parameters can be changed using setParam.

accuracy: {float}

Accuracy in %; range: 0.0..100.0 %

async: {int}

asychronous (1) or sychronous (0) mode

device_id: {str}, read-only

Name of controller

device_num: {int}, read-only

The current number of this specific device, if there are more than one devices connected. (0 = first device)

dll_version: {str}, read-only

Version of DLL file

name: {str}, read-only

Name of the plugin

speed: {float}

Target speed in %; range: 0.0..100.0 %

spoolMax: {float}, read-only

Maximum length of spool (mm)

2.1.4. Installation

Before using this motor install the required driver, e.g. by installing the LAC USB configuration program from http://www.firgelli.com/LAC_Board_p/lac.htm.

2.1.5. Changelog

  • 2016-04-07: This plugin will be delivered with itom 2.2.0 for the first time

  • 2016-04-07: The required library MPUSBAPI is delivered with the sources of this plugin in version 1.1.0.

  • itom 4.1.0: This plugin has been compiled