2.14. PIPiezoCtrl


PI Piezos E-662, E-816, E-621, E-625, E-665, C-663




licensed under LGPL


Windows, Linux


Piezo controller E-662, E-816, E-621, E-625, E-665, C-663 from Physik Instrumente


W. Lyda, M. Gronle, J. Krauter, ITO, University Stuttgart


Plugin SerialIO

2.14.1. Overview

The PIPiezoCtrl is an itom-plugin, which can be used to communicate with PI piezo-controllers.Different PI-Piezo Controller (E-816, E-621, E-625, E-665, E-662 or C-663) are implemented.

It has been tested with different Piefocs and Piezo-stages. This system needs a serial port, which differs depending on the controller type. The parameters of the serial port (besides port number) are set automatically during initialization.

WARNING: The calibration between applied voltage and desired position is depending on every single PI device and is stored in the corresponding PI controller. Therefore don’t mix stages and controllers but only use the original, calibrated combination.

WARNING: The maximum position for PI controller typ E815/E625 is set to 100 micrometer. It is not possible to ask the hardware for the maximum avaiable position.In the case of a higher maximum position, set the plugin parameter “posLimitHigh”.

2.14.2. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • serial: Union[itom.dataIO, itom.actuator]

    An opened serial port (the right communcation parameters will be set by this piezo-controller).

    Only plugin “SerialIO” is allowed

  • keepSerialConfig: int, optional

    If 1 the current configuration of the given serial port is kept, else 0 [default].

    Value range: [0, 1], Default: 0

2.14.3. Parameters

These parameters are available and can be used to configure the PIPiezoCtrl instance. Many of them are directly initialized by the parameters of the constructor. During the runtime of an instance, the value of these parameters is obtained by the method getParam, writeable parameters can be changed using setParam.

PI_CMD: {str}

use this parameter followed by :YourCommand in order to read/write value from/to device (e.g. PI_CMD:ERR?)

async: {int}

asychronous (1) or sychronous (0) mode

checkFlags: {int}

Check flags (or-combination possible): 0x01: check position boundaries before positioning and actualize current position after positioning (default: on), 0x02: check for errors when positioning (default: off), 0x04: if device has a on-target flag, it is used for checking if the device is on target (default: on), else a simple time gap is used that lets the driver sleep after positioning

comPort: {int}, read-only

The current com-port ID of this specific device. -1 means undefined

ctrlName: {str}, read-only

device information string

ctrlType: {str}, read-only

Current type of controller, e.g. E-662, E-665, E-753…

delayOffset: {float}

offset delay [s] per movement (independent on step size)

delayProp: {float}

delay [s] per step size [mm] (e.g. value of 1 means that a delay of 100ms is set for a step of 100mu)

hasLocalRemote: {int}, read-only

defines whether the device has the ability to switch between local and remote control (1), else (0)

hasOnTargetFlag: {int}, read-only

defines whether the device has the ability to check the ‘on-target’-status (1), else (0)

local: {int}

defines whether system is in local (1) or remote (0) mode.

name: {str}, read-only

name of the plugin

numaxis: {int}, read-only

Number of axes (here always 1)

piezoName: {str}, read-only

piezo information string

posLimitHigh: {float}

higher position limit [m] of piezo (this can be supported by the device or by this plugin)

posLimitLow: {float}

lower position limit [m] of piezo (this can be supported by the device or by this plugin)

velocity: {float}, read-only

velocity of the stage for the controller type C663 in mm per s