2.12. LeicaMotorFocus


Plugin for Leica MZ12.X focus actuator




licensed under LGPL


Windows, Linux


z-stage controller of Leica MZ12 or MZ12.5


W. Lyda, M. Gronle, ITO, University Stuttgart


Plugin SerialIO

2.12.1. Overview

The LeiceMotorFocus is an itom-plugin, which can be used to control the z-stage of Leica MZ12 or MZ12.5 stereo-microscopes.

For the initialization of this plugin you already need an opened serial IO port (using the plugin ‘SerialIO’). Give the handle of the opened serial port to the constructor of this plugin. This plugin will keep a reference of the serial port until the actuator is closed again.

2.12.2. Parameters

An instance of this plugin has the following internal parameters:

name: {str}


speed: {float}

Speed in m/s (Default=Maximum: 23,33 mm/s)

ratio: {int}

Sensitivity of Handwheel. From 1 (fine) to 32 (coarse) (Default: 8)

inverseAxis: {int}

0: actuator moves upwards for positive relative position, 1: actuator moves downwards. (default: 0)

inverseRefSwitch: {int}

0: actuator uses upper reference switch, 1: actuator uses lower reference switch for calibration. (default: 0)

numaxis: {int}, read-only

Number of axis @ device in ito-version is always 1

2.12.3. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • serial: Union[itom.dataIO, itom.actuator]

    An initialized SerialIO

    Only plugin “SerialIO” is allowed