2.11. DummyMotor


A virtual motor to test real actuators.




Licensed under LPGL.


Windows, Linux


Virtual dummy motor with up to 6 axes.


W. Lyda, ITO, University Stuttgart

2.11.1. Overview

The DummyMotor is a virtual actuator plugin that emulates up to 10 linear axes.

The real number of simulated axes is given by the initialization parameter ‘numAxis’. Use this plugin to simulate or develop your measurement system at another computer. Whenever a position command is executed, this plugin sleeps until the time needed for the positioning (with respect to the speed of the axis) expired.

2.11.2. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • numAxis: int, optional

    Number of axis for this motor

    Value range: [1, 6], Default: 1

  • motorName: str, optional

    Name for this dummyMotor

    default: “DummyMotor”

  • useLimits: Sequence[int], optional

    Use axes limits and limit switches

    6 values required, Value range: [0, 1], Default: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

  • limitPos: Sequence[float], optional

    positive limits of axes

    6 values required, Value range: [-1e+208, 1e+208], Default: [-1e+208, -1e+208, -1e+208, -1e+208, -1e+208, -1e+208]

  • limitNeg: Sequence[float], optional

    negative limits of axes

    6 values required, Value range: [-1e+208, 1e+208], Default: [-1e+208, -1e+208, -1e+208, -1e+208, -1e+208, -1e+208]

2.11.3. Parameters

An instance of this plugin has the following parameters:

accel: float

Acceleration in mm/s^2, currently not implemented

Value range: [1, 10], Unit: mm/s^2, Default: 1

async: int

Toggles if motor has to wait until end of movement (0:sync) or not (1:async)

Value range: [0, 1], Default: 0

limitNeg: Sequence[float]

negative limits of axes

1 values required, Value range: [-1e+208, 1e+208], Default: [-1000]

limitPos: Sequence[float]

positive limits of axes

1 values required, Value range: [-1e+208, 1e+208], Default: [1000]

name: str, read-only

name of the plugin

Match: “General”, Default: “DummyMotor”

numaxis: int, read-only

Number of axes attached to this stage

Value range: [1, 6], Default: 1

speed: float

Speed of the axis between 0.1 and 100000 mm/s

Value range: [0.1, 100000], Unit: mm/s, Default: 1

useLimits: Sequence[int]

Use axes limits and limit switches

1 values required, Value range: [0, 1], Default: [0]