2.8. Thorlabs KCube DC Servo Drive






licensed under LGPL




K-Cube Controller for Brushed DC Servo Motors, e.g. KDC101


M. Gronle, TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH

2.8.1. Overview

ThorlabsKCubeDCServo is an acutator plugin to control the following integrated devices from Thorlabs:

  • K-Cube Controller for Brushed DC Servo Motors (e.g. KDC101)

It requires the new Kinesis driver package from Thorlabs and implements the interface Thorlabs.MotionControl.KCube.DCServo.

Please install the Kinesis driver package in advance with the same bit-version (32/64bit) than itom.

This plugin has been tested with the motorized translation stage MTS25-Z8.

2.8.2. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • serialNo: str, optional

    Serial number of the device to be loaded, if empty, the first device that can be opened will be opened

    default: “”

  • connectToKinesisSimulator: int, optional

    If 1, a connection to the running Kinesis Simulator is established before starting to search for devices.

    Value range: [0, 1], Default: 0

2.8.3. Parameters

These parameters are available and can be used to configure the ThorlabsKCubeDCServo instance. Many of them are directly initialized by the parameters of the constructor. During the runtime of an instance, the value of these parameters is obtained by the method getParam, writeable parameters can be changed using setParam.

acceleration: {float}

acceleration in real world units (e.g. mm/s^2)

async: {int}

synchronous (0, default) or asychronous (1) mode

deviceName: {str}, read-only

Description of the device

enableAxis: {int}

If enabled (1, default), power is applied to the motor so it is fixed in position. Else (0), the motor can be freely moved.

firmwareVersion: {str}, read-only

Firmware version of the device

hardwareVersion: {str}, read-only

Hardware version of the device

homingAvailable: {int}, read-only

1 if actuator supports a home drive, else 0

lockFrontPanel: {int}, read-only

1 to lock the front panel, else 0 (default)

name: {str}, read-only

Name of the plugin

numaxis: {int}, read-only

Number of axes

serialNumber: {str}, read-only

Serial number of the device

speed: {float}

speed in real world units (e.g. mm/s)

timeout: {float}

timeout for move operations in sec

2.8.4. Usage

This example shows how to initalized the device in itom and change the position:

serialNo = 2700001
mot = dataIO("ThorlabsKCubeDCServo", serialNo = serialNo)

# execute a home drive to get the zero position

mot.setParam("speed", 2.5) # 2.5 mm/s

mot.setPosAbs(0, 25)  # move to the absolute position 25 mm
mot.setOrigin(0)  # sets the current position to be '0'.
mot.setPosAbs(0, -25)  # moves back to the original position
mot.setPosRel(0, 0.01)  # moves by 10 micrometer
print(mot.getPos(0))  # returns the position of the axis

2.8.5. Simulation

It is possible to test this plugin based on a simulated controller. To do this, start the Kinesis Simulator first and add a KDC101 DC Servo Drive device. Then, start the itom plugin and set the initial parameter connectToKinesisSimulator.

Usually, modern Thorlabs controllers can automatically request necessary hardware parameters from the connected stage. However, if the load-setting command returns with a warning at startup, this failed and all units are in device units only (not in physical units). In order to overcome this, especially in simulated environments, you have to open the simulated stage (using Kinesis Simulator) at least once with the real Kinesis Software. This software is also able to connect to the simulator, and there, you can bind a real stage to the controller with a certain serial ID. After having done this one time on the computer, the itom plugin should properly load the controller and device with the same serial number.

2.8.6. Compilation

To compile this plugin, install the Thorlabs KINESIS driver package in the same bit-version than itom (32/64bit). Then set the CMake variable THORLABS_KINESIS_DIRECTORY to the base directory of Kinesis (e.g. C:/Program Files/Thorlabs/Kinesis). The required libraries from Kinesis will automatically be copied to the lib folder of itom. Do not use Kinesis 1.6.0 or below for compiling this plugin.

Kinesis 1.7.0 requires the Microsoft C++ Redistributable 2012.

2.8.7. Changelog

  • itom setup 5.0.0: This plugin has been compiled with Thorlabs Kinesis 1.14.28.