2.2. Nanotec Stepper Motor






licensed under LGPL




Motor-Controller Nanotec SMCP


H. Bieger, M. Gronle, ITO, University Stuttgart

2.2.1. Overview

The plugin implements the controllers SMCP from Nanotec.

NanotecStepMotor is an itom-plugin, which can be used to communicate with the Nanotec controllers SMCP. It has been tested with one connected controller SMCP33 and 4 axis.

2.2.2. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • serial: Union[itom.dataIO, itom.actuator]

    An initialized SerialIO

    Only plugin “SerialIO” is allowed

  • axisID: Sequence[int]

    internal ID of axis (default 1, 2, 3, …), range: 1..254

    Allowed number of values: 1 - 255, Value range: [1, 254], Default: [ ]

  • axisSteps: Sequence[float]

    number of full steps per unit (deg or mm) of axis

    Allowed number of values: 1 - 255, Value range: [0, inf], Default: [ ]

  • units: Sequence[int], optional

    unit of axis, 0: degree [default], 1: mm

    Allowed number of values: 1 - 255, Value range: [0, 1], Default: [ ]

2.2.3. Parameters

These parameters are available and can be used to configure the NanotecStepMotor instance. Many of them are directly initialized by the parameters of the constructor. During the runtime of an instance, the value of these parameters is obtained by the method getParam, writeable parameters can be changed using setParam.

accel: {seq. of int}

motor shaft acceleration, range: 1..65.535 [default 2.364]

async: {int}

asychronous (1) or sychronous (0) [default] mode

axisID: {seq. of int}

internal ID of axis

axisSteps: {seq. of float}, read-only

number of full steps per unit (deg or mm) of axis, 0: axis not connected [default]

coilCurrent: {seq. of int}

coil current if motor is running, range: 0..100

coilCurrentRest: {seq. of int}

coil current if motor is in rest, range: 0..100

decel: {seq. of int}

motor shaft deceleration, range: 1..65.535 [default 2.364]

deviceID: {str}, read-only

Name of controller

devicePort: {int}, read-only

Serial port of device

microSteps: {seq. of int}

micro steps for motor [1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 32, 64]

name: {str}, read-only


numaxis: {int}, read-only

Number of axis

speed: {seq. of int}

target speed range: 1..1.000.000 [default 1.000]

units: {seq. of int}, read-only

unit of axis, 0: degree [default], 1: mm

2.2.4. Usage

In order to open an instance of NanotecStepMotor, create an instance of serialIO first. Then pass this instance to the constructor of NanotecStepMotor. The motor plugin configures the serial connection with the right parameter set.

At the time of the initialization you have to indicate which Nanotec axis IDs should be controlled by this plugin. For each connected axis, you further have to indicate the number of full steps per unit, whereas the unit can be either in mm or degree.

In the following example, the axes 1 and 4 are connected (controllable by the plugin axis numbers 0 and 1 respectively). They both run at 10 full steps per mm (1) (hence: linear axes):

ser = dataIO(“SerialIO”,4,115200,”r”,8,1) mot = actuator(“NanotecStepMotor”,ser,[1,4],[10,10],[1,1])