1.13. FileGrabber


A virtual grabber




Licensed under LPGL.


Windows, Linux


Virtual file camera (grabbing from image files)


W. Lyda, ITO, University Stuttgart

1.13.1. Overview

This plugin emulates a camera by grabbing images from files in a specific folder on the hard disk. Alternatively, it is possible to iteratively load images from a 3D-data object (stack). The first possibility uses the command imread from OpenCV (OpenCV library highgui required).

The grabber can work in 3 different modes: 1) Files in a specified folder are sequentially loaded each time a getVal / copyVal is performed. At the moment only 8 and 16 bit images are supported. 2) Images are sequentially loaded from a 3D data object (stack of images). Each getVal / copyVal returns a reference/copy to the specific plane of the stack. Supports 8, 12, 14, 16, 24-bit. 3) Files in a specified folder are scanned and preloaded to an image stack. Each getVal / copyVal returns a reference/copy to the specific plane of the stack. Supports 8, 12, 14, 16, 24-bit.

In the second case, provide the objectStack argument, arguments bpp and sourceFolder are ignored. bpp is generated by the type and value range of the objectStack.

1.13.2. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • fileFilter: str

    File-Type, e.g. ‘tif’, ‘png’

    default: “tif”

  • sourceFolder: str

    Absolute path of the source images

    default: “”

  • bpp: int

    Destination bit depth. 0: Auto or 8, 12, 14, 16, 24

    Value range: [0, 24], Default: 8

  • preloadImages: int

    If 0, no preloading is active, else the first n image are loaded to a stack.

    Value range: [0, 1000], Default: 0

  • objectStack: itom.dataObject, optional

    If not NULL and preloading is active, an 3D-Object can to used for the grabber.

1.13.3. Parameters

An instance of this plugin has the following internal parameters:

binning: {int}, read-only

Binning of different pixel

bpp: {int}, read-only

Grabdepth of the images

current_image: {int}

The current shown image

frame_time: {float}, read-only

Time between two frames

gain: {float}, read-only

Virtual gain

integration_time: {float}

Integrationtime of CCD programmed in s

name: {str}


number_of_images: {int}, read-only

The maximal number if images

offset: {float}, read-only

Virtual offset

sizex: {int}, read-only

Pixelsize in x (cols)

sizey: {int}, read-only

Pixelsize in y (rows)

time_out: {float}, read-only

Timeout for acquiring images

x0: {int}, read-only

Pixelsize in x (cols)

x1: {int}, read-only

Pixelsize in x (cols)

y0: {int}, read-only

Pixelsize in y (rows)

y1: {int}, read-only

Pixelsize in y (rows)