1.21. PGRFlyCapture


Point Grey FlyCapture2 Cameras




GPL / this plugin needs to link agains the FlyCapture2 SDK from Point Grey Research, that comes with its own license. The FlyCapture2 SDK contains components that are licensed under GPL.


Windows, Linux


Point Grey cameras (USB3) supported by Fly Capture driver. (GigE possible, but not implemented yet)


W. Lyda, M. Gronle, P. Wagner, ITO, University Stuttgart

1.21.1. Overview

This plugin supports Point Grey cameras (currently USB models only) that can be run by the FlyCapture2 interface from Point Grey Research. This plugin was mainly tested with Flea3 (monochrome) and Grasshopper3 cameras (monochrome, color) under Windows and Linux.

The plugin has been compiled using the FlyCapture2 library version

In order to compile the plugin by yourself, you need to install the FlyCapture2 SDK in 32bit or 64bit (depending on itom) and make sure that the development files (include files and libraries) are installed as well (option Cross Platform Dev Files). Then set the CMake variable PGRFLYCAP_INCLUDE_DIR to the include directory of the FlyCapture2 SDK. The depending variable PGRFYLCAP_API_DIR is then automatically set (if not, delete it and re-configure CMake).

This plugin automatically copies the necessary FlyCapture2 DLLs to the lib-folder of itom.

This plugin has mainly been tested with cameras of type Flea3 and Grasshopper3.

1.21.2. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • cameraNumber: int, optional

    Continuous camera number [0,10], default: -1 uses the next free camera.

    Value range: [-1, 10], Default: -1

  • bppLimit: int, optional

    Limits the bitdepth to the given level [8, 12, 16]. As default the maximum level is used (-1)

    Value range: [-1, 16], Default: -1

  • forceSync: int, optional

    Direct enable software sync if present

    Value range: [0, 1], Default: 0

  • colorMode: str, optional

    colorMode: ‘gray’ (default) or ‘color’ if color camera. In color mode, bpp is limited to 8 per color.

    Match: [“gray”, “color”], Default: “gray”

1.21.3. Parameters

These parameters are available and can be used to configure the PGRFlyCapture instance. Many of them are directly initialized by the parameters of the constructor. During the runtime of an instance, the value of these parameters is obtained by the method getParam, writeable parameters can be changed using setParam. If a parameter is read-only, it is not writeable or supported by the specific camera.

bpp: {int}

bitdepth of each pixel

cam_firmware_build_time: {str}, read-only

Built time of the firmware used in the connected camera

cam_firmware_version: {str}, read-only

Serial number of the firmware used in the connected camera

cam_interface: {str}, read-only

Interface of camera

cam_model: {str}, read-only

Model identifier of the connected camera

cam_register: {int}

Direct read/write of registers, use the hex-number of the register as suffix to read/write a specific register (e.g. getParam(‘cam_register:0xA01F’))

cam_resolution: {str}, read-only

Resolution of the chip in connected camera

cam_sensor: {str}, read-only

Identifier of the chip in connected camera

cam_serial_number: {int}, read-only

Serial number of the connected camera

cam_vendor: {str}, read-only

Name of the camera vendor

color_mode: {str}, read-only

colorMode: ‘gray’ (default) or ‘color’ if color camera

exposure_ev: {int}

Camera brightness control (EV)

extended_shutter: {int}

1 (default): extended shutter is on (long integration times are supported and frame_time becomes invalid), 0: frames are only acquired in the pulse given by frame_time.

frame_time: {float}, read-only

Frame rate in seconds. This is only considered if the camera is not in an extended shutter mode. The frame_time might influence the integration time.

gain: {float}

gain (normalized value 0..1)

gamma: {int}

Gamma adjustment

integration_time: {float}

Integrationtime of CCD programmed in seconds.

metadata: {int}

If 1 (default), the timestamp, frame counter and roi position (depending on the camera model) will be acquired and added into the first pixels of the image (available as tag of the data object as well), 0: metadata disabled

name: {str}, read-only

name of the camera

num_idle_grabs_after_param_change: {int}

With some cameras, parameter changes like the exposure time or gain will only take effect x images after the change. If this parameter is set to > 0, the given number of images are acquired after changing any parameter in order to delete the intermediate images.

offset: {float}

offset (normalized value 0..1, mapped to PG-parameter BRIGHTNESS)

packetsize: {int}

Packet size of current image settings

roi: {int rect [x0,y0,width,height]}

region of interest, ROI (x,y,width,height)

sharpness: {int}


sizex: {int}, read-only

Pixelsize in x (cols)

sizey: {int}, read-only

Pixelsize in y (rows)

start_delay: {float}

On some computers, a blue screen sometimes occurs if the time gap between starting the camera and acquiring an image is too short. In this case, try to increase this parameter (in s).

timeout: {float}

Timeout for acquiring images in seconds

video_mode: {int}, read-only

Current video mode, default is Mode7

1.21.4. Additional functions (exec functions)


print all current parameters of the camera for internal checks.


funcName (str) – Name of the function, must be “printParameterInfo”)



Return type


ptGreyCam.exec('setStrobeMode', source, onOff = 1, polarity = 0, delay = 0.0, duration = 0.0)

configures the strobe mode for the given GPIO pin (source).

  • funcName (str) – Name of the function, must be “setStrobeMode”)

  • source (int) – the GPIO pin to be edited (mandatory)

  • onOff (int) – ON or OFF this function; 0: OFF, 1 : ON, optional

  • polarity (int) – 0 = active low; 1 = active high, optional

  • delay (float) – delay after start of exposure until the strobe signal asserts in ms. This value must be in the range [0.0-100.0], optional

  • duration (float) – duration of the strobe signal in ms, a value of 0 means de-assert at the end of exposure, if required. This value must be in the range [0.0-100.0], optional



Return type


[onOff, polarity, delay, duration] = ptGreyCam.exec('getStrobeMode', source)

returns the configuration of the strobe mode for the given GPIO pin (source).


funcName (str) – Name of the function, must be “getStrobeMode”)


Tuple with the current values for onOff (int), polarity (int), delay (float) and duration (float). For the meaning of these values see the description of the exec-function ‘setStrobeMode’.

Return type


1.21.5. Compilation

FlyCapture version uses libiomp5md.dll in version 5.0.2011.1108. Libiomp5md.dll is also used by numpy (mkl version), but often in another version that is not compatible (there is an error when opening itom). Since it is impossible to load two dlls of the same name in one process, you may need to edit the FlyCapture2_vXXX.dll. A useful tool for this is the software “CFF Explorer”. This program allows you to change the import table of the DLL.

  • open FlyCapture2_vXXX.dll loaded by the plugin using CFF Explorer. The File should be located at …itombuilditomlibs

  • change the name libiomp5md.dll under Import Directory to a different name (e.g. libiomp5mm.dll)

  • save the changes of the changed FlyCapture2_vXXX.dll in CFF Explorer

  • rename the libiomp5md.dll in …itombuilditomlibs (as well as the source of the FlyCapture SDK if necessary) to the new name, too (e.g. libiomp5mm.dll)

The result is, that FlyCapture2_vXXX.dll does not depend any more on the old libiomp5md.dll but on the renamed version with the same content. This might resolve the name conflict with the same file (different version) shipped with Numpy+MKL.

1.21.6. Image Acquisition

If you acquire an image, the obtained data object has some tags defined if the parameter ‘metadata’ is set to 1:

obj = dataObject()
cam.acquire() #cam must be started before


The tags are:

  • timestamp: timestamp of image acquisition in seconds

  • frame_counter: continuous number of frame (if camera does not run in any trigger mode, this number can increase more than by one from one acquired image to the next one)

  • roi_x0: left offset of ROI

  • roi_y0: top offset of ROI

If ‘metadata’ is 0 or if the camera model does not support this additional information, no tags are appended to each data object. Please consider, that the image information is embedded in the first pixels of each image (see https://www.ptgrey.com/tan/10563).

1.21.7. When camera property settings take effect

In the technical documentations of PointGrey cameras, there is a section about when camera property settings take effect. This section gives hints after how many acquired images changes in properties like integration_time, gain, etc. will be visible in the next image. With respect to this documentation, most changes will be applied to the “after next” image, if the camera is in trigger-mode. If the camera is in free-run mode (trigger_mode = -1), it sometimes needs up to 4 frames until changes become visible!

Usually, the plugin does not acquire any idle grabs after having changed any parameter. However, if you set the parameter ‘num_idle_grabs_after_param_change’ to any value bigger than zero, the number of images are acquired. This happens at the next call of startDevice if the camera is currently stopped or immediately at the end of the setParam command.

1.21.8. Changelog

  • itom setup 1.2.0: This plugin has been compiled using the FlyCapture

  • itom setup 1.3.0: This plugin has been compiled using the FlyCapture

  • itom setup 1.4.0: This plugin has been compiled using the FlyCapture

  • itom setup 2.0.0: This plugin has been compiled using the FlyCapture

  • itom setup 2.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using the FlyCapture

  • itom setup 2.2.0: This plugin has been compiled using the FlyCapture, under Windows it requires the Microsoft C++ Redistributable 2012

  • itom setup 3.0.0: This plugin has been compiled using the FlyCapture, under Windows it requires the Microsoft C++ Redistributable 2012

  • itom setup 3.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using the FlyCapture, under Windows it requires the Microsoft C++ Redistributable 2012

  • itom setup 3.1.0: This plugin will be compiled using the FlyCapture, under Windows it requires the Microsoft C++ Redistributable 2012

  • itom setup 3.2.1: This plugin will be compiled using the FlyCapture, under Windows it requires the Microsoft C++ Redistributable 2012

  • itom setup 4.0.0: This plugin will be compiled using the FlyCapture, under Windows it requires the Microsoft C++ Redistributable 2012

  • itom setup 4.1.0: This plugin will be compiled using the FlyCapture, under Windows it requires the Microsoft C++ Redistributable 2012

1.21.9. Linux

For linux, please consider the document “Using Linux with USB 3.0”, published by Point Grey as technical application note TAN2012007. Starting the camera crashed (or came to a timeout when calling startDevice for cameras with an image size bigger than 2MB if the notes in section Configuration USBFS are not considered.