1.20. PCOPixelFly#










PCO Pixelfly qet cameras with frame grabber board



1.20.1. Overview#

1.20.2. Initialization#

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

1.20.3. Parameters#

An instance of this plugin has the following internal parameters:

name: {str}, read-only


integration_time: {float}

Integrationtime of CCD programmed in s

gain: {float}

Standard light mode (0, default), low light mode (1)

x0: {int}

Startvalue for ROI

y0: {int}

Startvalue for ROI

x1: {int}

Stopvalue for ROI

y1: {int}

Stopvalue for ROI

roi: {int seq.}

ROI (x,y,width,height)

sizex: {int}, read-only

ROI-Size in x

sizey: {int}, read-only

ROI-Size in y

bpp: {int}

bit depth in bits per pixel

binning: {int}

Activate 2x2 binning

trigger_mode: {int}, read-only

Set Triggermode, currently not implemented

shift_bits: {int}

In 8 bit, select a number of bits (0..5) that the 12bit acquired values should be shifted before transport with 8 bit precision. (only in 8bit bpp mode)

board_number: {int}, read-only

Number of this board

driver_version: {str}, read-only

driver version

1.20.4. Changelog#

  • itom setup 3.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using the pco pixelfly SDK 2.01.03

  • itom setup 3.2.1: This plugin has been compiled using the pco pixelfly SDK 2.01.03

  • itom setup 4.0.0: This plugin has been compiled using the pco pixelfly SDK 2.01.03

  • itom setup 4.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using the pco pixelfly SDK 2.01.03

  • itom setup 4.3.0: This plugin has been compiled using the pco pixelfly SDK 2.01.03