1.24. V4L2#


Video4Linux2 camera grabber (USB-Cams)




licensed under LGPL




USB Plug&Play Cameras


V. Ferreras Paz, M. Gronle, ITO, University Stuttgart

1.24.1. Overview#

Enables usage of USB Plug&Play Cameras for Linux based Operating system based on Video4Linux.

This plugin uses the Video4Linux2 (V4L2) for capturing supported camera devices (e.g. ordinary USB or integrated cameras).

This driver detects an internal list of connected cameras. The parameter cameraNumber indicates the device to open, it is linked to the devices (/dev/videoX, where X is the cameraNumber).

Any detected and supported device can offer multiple framerates and sizes. Use the parameter mediaTypeID to select the right value. Open your device with mediaTypeID = -1 to let the plugin print a list of supported formats (the plugin initialization then stops with a desired error).

1.24.2. Initialization#

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

1.24.3. Parameters#

An instance of this plugin has the following internal parameters:

name: {str}, read-only


deviceName: {str}, read-only

name of device

x0: {int}

first pixel index in ROI (x-direction)

y0: {int}

first pixel index in ROI (y-direction)

x1: {int}

last pixel index in ROI (x-direction)

y1: {int}

last pixel index in ROI (y-direction)

sizex: {int}, read-only

width of ROI (x-direction)

sizey: {int}, read-only

height of ROI (y-direction)

bpp: {int}


colorMode: {str}

color mode of camera (auto|color|red|green|blue|gray, default: auto -> color or gray)

1.24.4. Changelog#

  • itom setup 4.3.0: Release