1.27. Ximea


Ximea xiQ-Camera




LGPL / do not copy Ximea-DLLs


Windows, Linux


Cameras from company Ximea (tested with various xiQ USB3 cameras, monochrome and color)


C. Kohler, twip optical solutions GmbH, Stuttgart, J. Krauter, M. Gronle, ITO, University Stuttgart

1.27.1. Overview

Plugin for cameras from XIMEA that run with the XIMEA API. This plugin has been tested using monchrome USB3.0 cameras (e.g. MQ013MG-E2, MQ042RG-CM) under Windows.

1.27.2. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • cameraNumber: int, optional

    The index of the addressed camera starting with 0

    Value range: [0, 254], Default: 0

  • restoreLast: int, optional

    Toggle if the driver should try to connect to the last initialized camera

    Value range: [0, 1], Default: 0

  • bandwidthLimit: int, optional

    bandwidth limit in Mb/sec. If 0 the maximum bandwidth of the USB3 controller is used [default]. The allowed value range depends on the device and will be checked at startup.

    Value range: [0, 100000], Default: 0

  • lensAvialable: int, optional

    Toggle if lens settings are avialable

    Value range: [0, 1], Default: 0

1.27.3. Parameters

aeag: {int}, read-only

Enable / Disable Automatic exposure / gain. AEAG is disabled in the current implementation.

api_version: {str}, read-only

XIMEA API version

bad_pixel: {int}

Enable bad pixel correction.

binning: {int}

1x1 (101), 2x2 (202) or 4x4 (404) binning if available. See param ‘binning_type’ for setting the way binning is executed.

binning_type: {int}

Type of binning if binning is enabled. 0: pixels are interpolated, 1: pixels are skipped (faster).

bpp: {int}

Bit depth of the output data from camera in bpp (can differ from sensor bit depth). For color cameras set bpp to 32 in order to obtain the color data.

buffers_queue_size: {int}, read-only

Number of buffers in the queue.

cam_number: {int}, read-only

Index of the camera device.

color_camera: {int}, read-only

0: monochrome camera, 1: color camera - set bpp to 32 to obtain color image.

device_driver: {str}, read-only

Current device driver version

device_type: {str}, read-only

Device type (1394, USB2.0, CURRERA, …)

frame_burst_count: {int}

Define and set the number of frames in a burst (trigger_mode2 should be set to XI_TRG_SEL_FRAME_BURST_START.

framerate: {float}, read-only

Framerate of image acquisition (in fps). This parameter reflects the current framerate. If timing_mode is in XI_ACQ_TIMING_MODE_FREE_RUN (0, default), the framerate is readonly and fixed to the highest possible rate. For xiQ cameras only, timing_mode can be set to XI_ACQ_TIMING_MODE_FRAME_RATE (1) and the framerate is adjustable to a fixed value.

gain: {float}

Gain in % (the percentage is mapped to the dB-values).

gamma: {float}

Luminosity gamma value in %.

gammaColor: {float}

Chromaticity gamma value in %. Only for color cameras.

gpi_level: {seq. of int}, read-only

Current level of all available gpi pins. (0: low level, 1: high level)

gpi_mode: {seq. of int}

Set the input pin modes for all available gpi pins. This is a list whose lengths corresponds to the number of available pins. Use gpo_mode[i] to access the i-th pin. 0: Off, 1: trigger, 2: external signal input (not implemented by Ximea api)

gpo_mode: {seq. of int}

Set the output pin modes for all available gpo pins. This is a list whose lengths corresponds to the number of available pins. Use gpo_mode[i] to access the i-th pin.

hdr_enable: {int}, read-only

Enable HDR mode. default is OFF (not supported by all devices).

hdr_it1: {int}, read-only

Exposure time of first slope (in % of exposure time - not supported by all devices).

hdr_it2: {int}, read-only

Exposure time of second slope (in % of exposure time - not supported by all devices).

hdr_knee1: {int}, read-only

First kneepoint (% of sensor saturation - not supported by all devices).

hdr_knee2: {int}, read-only

Second kneepoint (% of sensor saturation - not supported by all devices).

integration_time: {float}

Exposure time (in seconds).

lensAvialable: {int}

Toggle if lens settings are avialable.

max_sensor_bitdepth: {int}, read-only

maximum bitdepth of the sensor.

name: {str}, read-only

name of the camera

offset: {float}, read-only

Currently not used.

roi: {int rect [x0,y0,width,height]}

ROI (x, y, width, height) [this replaces the values x0, x1, y0, y1].

sensor_type: {str}, read-only

Sensor type of the attached camera

serial_number: {str}, read-only

Serial number of device.

sharpness: {float}

Sharpness strength in %.

sizex: {int}, read-only

Width of ROI (number of columns).

sizey: {int}, read-only

Height of ROI (number of rows).

timeout: {float}

Acquisition timeout in s.

timing_mode: {int}

Acquisition timing: 0: free run (default), 1: by frame rate.

trigger_mode: {int}

Set triggermode, 0: free run, 1: ext. rising edge, 2: ext. falling edge, 3: software.

trigger_selector: {int}

Set trigger selector, 0: Exposure Frame Start, 1: Exposure Frame duration, 2: Frame Burst Start, 3: Frame Burst duration (this parameter was called trigger_mode2 in a previous version of this plugin).

x0: {int}

First horizontal index within current ROI (deprecated, use parameter ‘roi’ instead).

x1: {int}

Last horizontal index within current ROI (deprecated, use parameter ‘roi’ instead).

y0: {int}

First vertical index within current ROI (deprecated, use parameter ‘roi’ instead).

y1: {int}

Last vertical index within current ROI (deprecated, use parameter ‘roi’ instead).

1.27.4. Additional functions (exec functions)

ximeaCam.exec('update_shading', illumination)

Change value of the shading correction


illumination (int) – Current intensity value

ximeaCam.exec('initialize_shading', dark_image, white_image, x0, y0)

Initialize pixel shading correction. At the moment you can only use one set of data which will be rescaled each time

  • dark_image (dataObject) – Dark Image, if null, empty image will be generated

  • white_image (dataObject) – White Image, if null, empty image will be generated

  • x0 (int) – Position of ROI in x

  • y0 (int) – Position of ROI in y

ximeaCam.exec('shading_correction_values', integration_time, shading_correction_factor)

Change value of the shading correction

  • integration_time (float) – Integrationtime of CCD programmed in s

  • shading_correction_factor (seq. of float) – Corresponding values for shading correction

1.27.5. Image Acquisition and Frame Burst

If you acquire an image, the obtained data object has some tags defined:

obj = dataObject()
cam.acquire() #cam must be started before

The tags are:

  • timestamp: timestamp of image acquisition in seconds (not MU family)

  • frame_counter: continuous number of frame

  • roi_x0: left offset of ROI (only for Ximea API >

  • roi_y0: top offset of ROI (only for Ximea API >

If you change trigger_mode to anything else than Off and set trigger_selector to frame_burst_start (2), it is possible to acquire a serie of frames after the software or hardware trigger impulse. This can be adjusted using the parameter frame_burst_count.

If this is set, the acquired data object is not two-dimensional but three-dimensional, where the first (z-) dimension corresponds to the number of acquired frames. If this is the case, the tags are:

  • timestamp0, timestamp1, timestamp2, … (for each sub-frame, not MU family)

  • frame_counter0, frame_counter1, …

1.27.6. Installation


Install the XIMEA API (http://www.ximea.com/support/documents/4, currently tested with version and check that your camera runs with the internal XiViewer from XIMEA. If this is the case, the camera should also run with itom.


Install the XIMEA driver from the ximea website and use the commands described there, too, in oder to install the driver. Then point the CMAKE variable XIMEA_APIDIR to the include directory of the Ximea package. This must contain the file m3api.h. Like under Windows, the library itself is dynamically loaded at runtime. It is usually loaded from /usr/lib.

If you want to externally trigger the camera, make sure that you check if your GPIO pins require a 5V or 24V signal. Some cameras only support 24V, modern camera devices support both. This is written at the housing (at least for xiQ USB3 cameras).

1.27.7. Changelog

  • itom setup 1.2.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Ximea API

  • itom setup 1.3.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Ximea API

  • itom setup 1.4.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Ximea API

  • itom setup 2.0.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Ximea API 4.4.0

  • itom setup 2.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Ximea API 4.4.0

  • itom setup 2.2.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Ximea API 4.10.0

  • itom setup 3.0.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Ximea API 4.10.2

  • itom setup 3.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Ximea API 4.10.2

  • itom setup 3.2.1: This plugin has been compiled using the Ximea API 4.16

  • itom setup 4.0.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Ximea API 4.18.04

  • itom setup 4.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Ximea API 4.18.04