1.1. Andor SDK3


Andor cameras via its SDK3 (Neo, Zyla).




Licensed under LGPL


Windows, Linux ready but not tested


Andor cameras supported by their SDK3 (Zyla, Neo)


M. Gronle (ITO Uni Stuttgart)

1.1.1. Overview

This plugin supports Andor cameras that can be run using the SDK3 from Andor (e.g. Neo and Zyla series). It has been tested with the following models:

  • Zyla 5.5 (Dual Camera Link)

The plugin has been compiled using the Andor SDK 3.8

In order to run your camera, please purchase and install the Andor SDK 3.8 or higher and make sure that the necessary libraries are accessible by the Windows path environment variable (e.g. append “C:/Program Files/Andor SDK3” to the path variable).

1.1.2. Initialization

The following parameters are mandatory or optional for initializing an instance of this plugin:

  • camera_idx: int

    camera index that should be opened. The first camera is 0, the second 1…

    Value range: [0, 31], Default: 0

1.1.3. Parameters

An instance of this plugin has the following internal parameters:

name: {str}, read-only


integration_time: {float}

Exposure time of chip (in seconds)

binning: {int}

Horizontal and vertical binning, depending on camera ability. 104 means a 1x binning in horizontal and 4x binning in vertical direction. (only symmetric binning is allowed; if read only binning is not supported)

gain: {float}, read-only

Gain (normalized value 0..1)

sizex: {int}, read-only

Pixelsize in x (cols)

sizey: {int}, read-only

Pixelsize in y (rows)

roi: {int seq.}

ROI (x,y,width,height) [this replaces the values x0,x1,y0,y1]

bpp: {int}

Bitdepth of each pixel

timeout: {float}

acquisition timeout in secs

frame_rate: {float}

frame rate in Hz

interface: {str}, read-only

camera interface type

firmware_version: {str}, read-only

firmware version

camera_model: {str}, read-only

model name of camera

camera_name: {str}, read-only

name of camera

serial_number: {str}, read-only

serial number of camera

sdk_version: {str}, read-only

Andor SDK3 version

trigger_mode: {str}

camera trigger (Internal, Software, External, External Start, External Exposure)

fan_speed: {str}

fan speed (Off, Low, On - not all values are available for every camera)

pixel_readout_rate: {str}

pixel readout rate in MHz (‘100 MHz’, ‘200 MHz’, ‘280 MHz’, ‘550 MHz’; not all options are available for all cameras)

electronic_shuttering_mode: {int}

0: rolling shutter (for highest frame rate, best noise performance, default), 1: global shutter (for pulsed, fast moving images)

full_aoi_control: {int}, read-only

indicates if full AOI control is available (usually yes, for some Neo cameras it isn’t and you can only apply certain ROI sizes (see camera manual))

readout_time: {float}, read-only

time to readout data from the sensor in the current configuration (0.0 if not implemented)

sensor_temperature: {float}, read-only

current temperature of sensor in °C (inf if not implemented)

sensor_cooling: {int}

state of the sensor cooling. Cooling is disabled (0) by default at power up and must be enabled (1) for the camera to achieve its target temperature

1.1.4. Changelog

  • itom setup 3.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Andor SDK 3.8.30007.0

  • itom setup 3.2.1: This plugin has been compiled using the Andor SDK 3.8.30007.0

  • itom setup 4.0.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Andor SDK 3.8.30007.0

  • itom setup 4.1.0: This plugin has been compiled using the Andor SDK 3.8.30007.0